Wit and Wisdom

Daisy “Doodle Bug” – The life and times of a rescued shelter dog 

First order of business is to advertise Daisy’s favorite Charity, the West Point Clay County Animal Shelter (WPCCAS) on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/WPCCAS and online at https://www.wpccas.org. As a non profit animal shelter they are reliant on donations and Daisy was happy to donate after they helped her, the story why towards the end of this piece. Daisy was rescued by a no kill shelter in the southeast and sent north for adoption by a facility like WPCCAS and they deserve our support.

Like many stories we need to go into the future, our present, to understand the past. It was on my first visit to MS that my sister in law saw Daisy and said, “Oh, you’ve got a Feist Dog, too.” She advised just a generation back most southern gentlemen would keep a Feist Dog as companions and for squirrel hunting (attic Rats as they are called in MS due to their abundance and habit of nesting in attics). More on Feist Dogs here, https://www.thesprucepets.com/feist-dog-breed-profile-8692992. Feist are small (15-30 pounds) highly intelligent and energetic dogs of varying colors in the terrier family bred in the Southeast to hunt squirrels and catch vermin. They relate well to people but become all business when they see prey. Daisy sure fit that description.

2018 Daisy at the Maben Guest House learning she is a Feist Dog

I had started raising free range turkeys and we had chickens at the “Hays Waggin’ Tails” Farm in Buskirk, NY and I decided I needed a farm dog to protect the flock. I had found a 1/2 Australian Shepard-1/2 Australian Cattle Dog at a rescue and went to adopt it. As it turned out the rescue was run by a pet Nazi who asked if I had a fence around the farm and was unsure if the dog would be safe without. She was taken aback when I told her it was going to be a working farm dog. Then learning we had a mini schnauzer with health issues she demanded a note from the vet to adopt. My suggestion was to place the “effin” animal in a certain body orifice with a few other expletives on what she could do with herself as we departed.

Off to Adirondack Save a Stray, a place I was familiar with in my old patrol sector before being promoted. As I recall there was about 15 puppies running excitedly in a pen but one came to front and stood on her back legs, front paws on the wall and just looked at me. I picked her up and announced that “I got my dog” as I think you should never deny a dog who adopts you.  My future Ex wife (fEw) had a different puppy and asked what about that one and I told her that I had mine but she could get that one for her if she wanted but she declined. On the way home I told the fEw to pick out a name and she went with Daisy. Not exactly the tough farm dog name I would have picked but an elongated farm name was sure to be found in the future.

2009 Puppy Daisy

 Daisy joined our two other dogs, Ziggy a miniature Schnauzer and Fluff, a mix breed rescue dog. Fluff was kept in a crate before we got her and rarely let out, at first shy and refusing to come out but eventually we got to where she was normal, giving her her own chair instead of being locked in. After introductions and a lot of sniffing Fluff retreated to her safe chair and Daisy bounded right up next to her. Fluff’s growling produced zero response from Daisy who realized her bark was worse than her bite and she settled in next to her. 

I set Daisy up in the dining room, intending her bed to stay there but on her first night the fEw gave in to the whining and against my wishes brought the dog into bed. A dog allowed to do something once is a dog who will do that forever. Daisy decided the best spot on the bed was between or behind my legs and so my “farm dog” became “Ms. cuddle with the big guy,” said annoyance now missed greatly. That done, her protection of the barn animals was not diminished due to her hyper drive and any farm animal noise out of the norm would get her to barking no matter where she was in the house, barking a rare event only used to get my attention when necessary (a Feist Dog trait).  So rare that I could tell the difference in what she was chasing by her bark. To go out she would stand at the door and just look at me.

Daisy and Ziggy inspecting chicks

Daisy was adopted onto a 10 Acre farm with Cookie and her kid Candy. We added Flicka, an old Arabian Horse belonging to a neighbor who had pancreatic cancer and he had to sell and move due to financial troubles related to the cancer. Barred Rock Chicks soon followed and after that Bourbon Red turkey poults, the beginning of a self breeding turkey side business. Daisy had the benefit of twice daily walks with the fEw and the two house dogs delineating the “pack boundaries” and which she (mostly) adhered to when older and allowed out on her own. Mornings started at 5am when I let Daisy out, put on coffee, then went to check on the animals. Breakfast and off to work she was on the morning walk with the house dogs, hanging in the day with them, an evening walk and after I returned from a 10 hour day at work more time outside at the barn with the animals. 

2009 Daisy meets Cookie
Fluff teaching Daisy the finer points of stick tug of war

Daisy’s first confirmed kill was a wood chuck she trapped in a blow down. I got the single shot .410 hoping to not make her gun shy and taught her to “break” off next to me and “hold” back as I fired off a shot. Expecting her to run or at a minimum be confused by the noise she did the opposite and attacked the animal. My fEw was a little put off when I tossed the carcass for her to fetch and did a little tug of war with it teaching Daisy to go after critters looking to steal eggs, poults, chicks, or birds. 

2009-10 first winter out on patrol

The barn had a cement floor which meant rats and mice built tunnels under it to come out after dark to eat and drink as the birds were on the roost. Daisy would go to the main egress 1/2 an hour before sunset regardless of weather, 40 degrees and pouring rain did not deter her and she would stand as if frozen waiting for one to exit the lair and meet their demise. I tried throwing the smoke bomb down that was to kill them and a day later they pushed it out of the hole as if giving me the middle finger. So I made a hose for the truck exhaust and went to the back of the barn and put it in a hole, went around and closed the rest except the main in front and armed with a pump BB gun (and safety glasses) waited with Daisy intent as the critters stacked up at the egress knowing the first was Daisy fodder. 

Safety in numbers they would fly out and Daisy set upon them and to escape they would climb the 2×4’s in the chicken coop and I would try to hit them to drop them to the ground and Daisy would finish them. “Rodent Day” was so much fun for both of us that it became a bi-monthly event. The record kill was 18, the trophy photo lost to the electronic mother ship so you’ll have to take my word for it. I only needed to pick up a BB gun, shotgun, or pistol and she went nuts as she knew the chase was on. From pigeons in the pole barn to any other critter, the gun brought great anticipation of Feist Dog fun.

Barnyard fight (and fun for Daisy), No rooster is fast enough to keep up with the Bug!

Daisy’s nickname “Doodle Bug” came from the fact that she would go into the hay field, unseen in the tall grass but would leap to eat the bugs she stirred up, landing she stirred more up and leaped again and again and so she would bounce and bound across the field, appearing in the air and disappearing in the tall grass, hopping like a kangaroo. Someone asked what she was doing to which I replied “doodle bugging” and the name stuck. From then on she was “Daisy Doodle Bug,” “Bug” to me and if I used Daisy, like a parent using a child’s full name, she knew she had done something wrong and would tuck tail.

A fox was raiding the chicken coops in the neighborhood and I got the .410 and my cup of coffee and headed to the barn early AM to ambush it when the sun came up. Five feet in front of me a chicken shot past followed by said fox. The coffee cup flew as I fumbled and loaded the gun but Daisy was on it and the chase was on and before I got off a shot. She had run it past the hedgerow disappearing for 10 minutes. A coyote killed a turkey in a neighbors field and when we went to investigate she saw the critter and the chase was on again. I’m snot sure how far they went but it was 30 minutes before she returned home, none the worse for wear to my great relief. She would come to me from a mile off when called but once she was chasing varmint fur she was single focused and unstoppable.    

Daisy, at just under 30 pounds, got a 35 pound wood chuck near the house. She would charge and he retreat and he would charge back and she retreat and by this back and forth they moved across the hay field 5’ to 10’ at a time. Responding from the barn, at the neighbors property line I caught up and armed with my pocket pistol got Daisy to Break and Hold and put one into him. She took it as the bell to attack and hit the back of his neck, he so large as she tried to shake her body went back and forth and not his. Another “kill” for Daisy. Her confirmed kills were 4 wood chucks, 3 possums, too many rodents and squirrels to counts, and 3 skunks which made us experts at bathing with dish soap and hydrogen peroxide at the hose.

2010 Daisy on pasture patrol

Daisy was so fast if she was under 100% of the squirrels 50% distance to safety she would catch it. The squirrels would get into the cedar log house “attic” so if any were near I would try to shoot or trap them. One was in the crab apple tree near the house and I used the game warden trick of beating the trunk with a wood handle to make the thing think it was being cut down and the squirrel went to the tippy top and launched from there. Daisy ran like Willie Mays and did a center fielder over the shoulder catch 30 feet out before it hit the ground, one chomp, tossed it in the air and it was done.

2011 Bug Cam from the tractor
2011 Bug likes the snow

The fEw made herself the current Ex wife and so we moved into my buddies rental on the Rensselaer Plateau, dog heaven as it was 25 acres of hemlock forest full of squirrels. Unfortunately Daisy had separation anxiety from the divorce. She busted an outside cable run, chewed through the harness, scratched the paint on the truck looking for me and chewed the door knobs flat. I ended up putting her into a crate which she flipped and rolled and I ended up with plywood and tie downs on a foot locker to keep it upright. The vet prescribed drugs which worked and in a month she was OK to be in the house alone. That aside she settled in nicely with my homies and their dogs and when my good buddy lost his dog and got “lil scotty” Daisy took to training him in the fine art of tug of war, paying attention, and not wandering off. It was here that Daisy was introduced to porcupines and their tail slap, the first time with 4 quills removed by me but the second a 15 quill slap and a trip to the emergency vet to get them out.

Daisy instructing lil Scotty in tug of war
2014 Daisy in the mountain snow

I decided to buy a “retirement house” and ended up in Montgomery County at 1175 feet above sea level overlooking the Schoharie Valley, a 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath fix me upper Colonial on 48 acres. The “Sunsets over the Schoharie Valley” Video explains why I bought it. Unfortunately my fix it up plans fell to the wayside when I had multiple surgeries (5 in 2 years) for orthopedic problems and retired on a disability. Daisy shared my pain and helped nurse me back to health.  In 2018 I visited my brother in Maben and decided I liked Northeast MS and would sell my NY holdings and move here.

2014 August moving into the doggie playground Shellstone Rd.

I didn’t want a fix me upper but listened to my brother “we can fix this up nice” and bought a fix me upper as the most important considerations for real estate are, 1. location, 2. location, and 3. location and I liked it when I pulled in the driveway. Me and Daisy settled into our last retirement house. But this began the multi year back and forth several times, the move was further interrupted by the China (NIH) Virus; my “last” NY surgery March 2020 postponed for 6 months as NY shut down and the sale of my NY house with it delayed also to the following August before I closed on it. Daisy, as dogs do (especially old ones) took it all in stride.

2020 back in NY biscuit toy time
2021 Jul selling the NY House and making sure no rodents are about

By 2023 Daisy and my brother both showed signs of dementia requiring daily care which fell to me. Daisy wandered off twice but was found an hour later near the road. I added 2 outside cameras to the alarm system so I could watch her and didn’t allow more than 5 minutes alone outside but unfortunately she evaded all them and wandered off. On Good Friday I let her out and put the bacon in the pan and not 5 minutes later went to find her and she was gone. I feared the worst as coyotes are on the opposite side of the pond and scoured the neighborhood to no avail. Up went flyers and I went to WPCCAS to see if she had been picked up. They put it on facebook and on Easter Sunday a neighbor called as Daisy was lying in their field. She was a mile from the house and her legs had given out, my neighbor riding out with his ATV to help get her to the truck and back home. It was “breakfast in bed” and a lot of her favorite, thin sliced ham, some bacon, and steak and within 3 days she was up and moving normal again. Without WPCCAS she probably would have died, unable to find her way home.

2024 April 4 Daisy finishes breakfast in bed and recovery from her ordeal
2024 April 16 Daisy, fully recovered, has a bunny dream

I upped it to 4 cameras so she could go out after her breakfast and wander in the morning as was her habit. She stayed in the yard and would run around the house several times but diminished eyesight, hearing, and dementia was evident and she would mostly sleep all day, go out in the evening and then right to bed for the night. She began falling with failing leg strength and I covered the house in throw rugs to help her out for if she fell I had to help her up.  By December it was obvious that she wouldn’t make the new year and she let me know it was time when she lied down to sleep next to her half eaten breakfast. And on December 20 she had a little breakfast, sat in the sun for 5 minutes and then we took the final ride.

2024 December 16 Daisy all played out too tired to finish dinner

It was a life well lived, we had some lively times and adventures, and I’m sure she is waiting patiently for me to come home to the house of my ancestors.

Daisy “Doodle Bug” 10-03-2008 to 12-20-2024 as she is remembered

Obituary David Wyan Hays 1955-2024

David Wyan Hays 69, of Maben Mississippi passed away in his sleep on the morning of December 5th 2024. David is survived by his wife, Joyce Smith Hays, who he cared for for many years as Alzheimers Disease from a stroke many years earlier which slowly took her away until her placement in a care facility in October of 2023. David also had a stroke after his 3rd Pfizer “vaccine” and dementia from that increased over these past 2 years contributing to his demise.

David Hays Maben, MS 2019

David was the oldest of the “Hays Boys,” David, Jimmy, and Tommy, of MSgt James H. Hays and Dolores Anna (Nickel) Hays of Schenectady, NY. He is survived by his two brothers James H. Hays Jr. (dog Daisy) of West Point, MS. and Thomas E. Hays (Robyn) of Biloxi, MS. He is also survived (I guess) by his sister Paula Dee (Paul) Fanning who estranged herself from us and as we have nothing nice to say there we will say nothing at all. He is also survived by many nephews (Thomas E. Hays, Jr. of Gloversville NY, etc.) and nieces, grand nephews and nieces, and great grand nephews still residing in New York.

Born in Rome, NY in 1955 as that was the closest military installation when mom went into labor, he spent a few years at Fort Niagara when at 4 years old (1960) the family moved to 71 Elder St. in Schenectady, NY where he spent his childhood and early adulthood among a neighborhood of many baby boomer kids in normally abnormal families. As a boy and man he was adept at working with his hands and was a jack of all trades, in early adulthood working at home repair and contracting, a tradition continued by his Grand Nephew Garett Hays with Hays Home Improvement in Gloversville, NY at 518-332-1460. He also worked for many years at Georgia Pacific and actually quit when they were going to promote him to management and an office job. He also worked for many years on and off at Marino’s Flying Pizza in Schenectady, NY working as manager when his good friend Mario Marino was unavailable.

Garett Hays, Hays Home Improvement, of Gloversville, NY 518-332-1460 in Siloam, MS loading some of Uncle David’s tools for use in his contracting business after helping Uncle Jim settle Jimmy’s brothers affairs.

From the time he was little David would not back down from a fight, even with the odds against him and he sure to lose. At about 7 he went down the street announcing to a new 7 year old kid just moved in he was there to beat him up. Unfortunately he learned that the new kids father had taught him how to box and David was getting the worst of it. After a few minutes the father came out breaking it up and as was the custom taking them to the side faucet to wash up and shake hands stating he had to break it up as David would’t quit, “unless he was knocked out or was near dead.”

As a young adult David was walking down the street across from the Elder St. corner bar when he was accosted by 6 black men looking to beat up “White Boys” as revenge for a black man beat up in the projects which were 3 blocks away. Having no choice, he took them on and was holding his own when a bat was introduced and he was hit in the right elbow smashing it into pieces. He tucked his limp arm into his belt stating, “if that’s the way were going to play it” as he opened his folding knife with his left hand and went after the closest, holding them off. Across the street people came out of the bar to see the commotion but none intervened as the police sirens got close and the assailants all ran off.

David was looking at losing the use of his arm but luckily the Orthopedic Surgeon on call was the best in the area and after surgery and a long rehab he regained full use to the arm. No assailant was identified or arrested so there was no way to pay them back. Tommy was so mad that the people we knew at the bar didn’t help in a 6 on 1 that he made a mental list of who was there and set about finding them out in bars and beating them up. David was known for his toughness but mostly if you left him alone there was no problem. Tommy got the (well deserved) reputation as a tough guy and those looking to make a name for themselves would often search him out. As Tommy is still living I’ll hold on the many, many adventures they, and the Hays Boys, had.

Davids passion was motorcycles, his 500 Yankee, 750 Honda and then riding his 1977 Harley which he rode until the NY weather made it hazardous. He even went so far as to continue riding with a cast on a broken leg, the crutch bungee strapped to the seat bar behind him. He also rode cross country making it to California and back this during the “Nix-on” gas era where gas was rationed and you were restricted to buying gas on odd or even days corresponding to the last number on your license plate if you could even find it. He travelled again to California in the late 70s with his long time girlfriend Kari Meyers and was offered a lucrative business opportunity by her uncle but, forever loyal to friends and family, he returned to NY when she wanted to.

David, Jimmy, and Tommy Hays Elder St., Schenectady

It was a happy and tumultuous childhood for the “Hays Boys” and most of the baby boomer boys growing up in a tough industry town. Being near Irish twins, I was born 15 month’s after David, I was often involved in his adventures. My first trip into a bar, at 16, was the College Inn where David instructed me to stand behind him at the bar. “Always know what they have on tap and order like you’re a regular so you don’t get carded” was his advice and when the bartender carded him he handed his drivers license then the bartender looked at me and said, “he looks a little young” but my brother had shown his NY License, on paper back then with only height and eye color, and held it behind his back for me and I showed the bartender the same license. And thus I was introduced to the favorite past time of many young men in Schenectady of pitchers of draft beer and 8-ball on a short bar pool table at a quarter a game. With a bar at the corner of Elder St., and many others in town, we honed our draft beer drinking and pool shooting skills. He also shared much wisdom with me such as “never hook your heels in the bar stool, always keep your feet on the ground” and “never bother the 35 year old at the end of the bar, he probably knows how to handle himself and just want to be left alone to enjoy a beer.” 

Jim, Tommy, David, and Paula Hays 1980 Elder St. Schenectady

The early 80s saw all 3 Hays Boys in Schenectady as adults and David marrying his first wife, Cheryl with our good friend Ed Rich as best man. At the reception we took my sisters camera without her knowing, back then a 35mm with film that had to be developed. The Hays Boys and best man Ed dropped the trousers of our 3 piece suits and took an “anonymous” moon shot, David well into the can overly exposed himself in the exposure. We put the camera back without her knowing. Luckily she had double prints made and survived the” WTF is this” shock at reviewing the developed prints and so I have a copy which shall adorn the wall in my house with other treasured family photo’s.

Surprise – Bad Moons a Rising

David had wit and a very humorous side to himself and could spin a yarn with a straight face. Mostly the pranks were harmless, if not a little off color. He used to take the shelled walnuts and glue them back together, put them back into the nut bowl, and wait for my father to open them. Dad then started shaking them to see if they had anything in them so David started to put balled up tinsel from the Christmas Tree in them so they would rattle. Dad resigned himself to the fact he was going to open 2 nuts to get one until we tired of the prank. 

The early 1900s house on Elder St. had an old coal burner which was converted to natural gas, a huge monstrosity on the dirt floor in the basement with a monstrous cast iron door that you used to feed the coal in with but which now was so hot when the furnace was running in winter it would cause 2nd degree burns just touching it. Somehow, as a young teen, David figured out if you urinated on it the urine would immediately turn into vapor and within about 5 minutes a slight ammonia odor would seep into the first floor in spots. Dad, filling the house with his smoke from 4 packs of Camel non filters a day couldn’t smell anything but my mother had a very sensitive sense of smell. We would hit the furnace then go upstairs and wait and mom would then announce, “I smell something?” Dad’s retort was he didn’t smell anything. “I tell you I smell something” as she now moved about the house trying to figure out the source. “I smell it over here” and Dad would get up and sniff test with a “nothing there.” She would find another hot spot with “it’s stronger over here” and dad would sniff test and come back with a “Damn it Dolores, it’s in your head.” As we were laughing until our sides split both mom and dad would ask, “what are you boys laughing about?” Deep down dad probably knew we were somehow the cause of the commotion.

Dolores Hays and her Mothers Day “Fruit Bowl”

David was renovating mom’s bathroom a few years after dad had passed. The new commode had come in and that Sunday was mothers day. David made sure that mom was out to church and went over and unpacked the toilet in the living room and then filled it with mothers day flowers and a bunch of fruit, making it a “fruit bowl” of sorts. Mom comes home to find it sitting there with a “Happy Mothers Day, we got you a fruit bowl” to many laughs.  

Divorced for many years David met and married a Mississippi Girl, Lisa, who was in the navy and stationed in NY. She got out of the Navy and they moved to Mathiston, MS in 1995. 

Jim at Snyders Lake with David and Lisa Hays

In MS David went to a box factory looking for work and they put him on a hard machine which nobody could run to see what he could do. Within 4 hours he had it working and producing and they were so happy they announced to him they would be paying him the maximum per hour rate of $7.25 an hour (which was half of the NY rate). It was so low he said, “you gotta be shitting me” and thinking he was happy the guy said, no sir, and I mean we’ll pay you that starting this morning!” “You gotta be shitting me, a 40 hour week at that rate won’t even pay my car loan” let the fellow know it wasn’t a happy “you gotta be shitting me.” So back to contracting and home repair it was.

David settled in and worked on his homestead, a double wide on 2 acres, fixing homes and contracting. He enjoyed riding his Harley about, northeast MS is real rural with very few paved roads and plenty of scenic roads to toll around on. Eventually this marriage wouldn’t last and they divorced with David buying her out of the residence.

MS isn’t so easy to hit the bars as there are still many “dry counties” and even the possession of alcohol and “public intoxication” (i.e. odor on your breath) is illegal. David was in Webster County adjacent to Clay County which wasn’t dry. The “County Line Bar” in Clay the watering hole for neighboring dry Webster and Oktibbeha counties. At the County Line Bar in the early evening David decides to travel to West Point, MS in the middle of Clay County to visit another bar but decides it is to risky driving with a few under his belt. He turns around by backing into a rural residential driveway and hangs the one back wheel of the van over the drainage ditch leaving him spinning his wheels. So he goes to the house and asks for a push to get both tires on the ground. “Be right out” the guy says but within minutes the sirens tell a different story.

Between a rock and a hard place David goes with the cover story of the driver “Ben” ran off as David was sleeping in the back of the van. The Sheriff goes with the public intoxication laws and off to Clay County Jail he goes. Now upset he begins to fight with the Deputies and throws insults their way proclaiming he isn’t one of those low life poor bastards you throw in jail, using a racial derogatory label stating, “I’m not a N****r, I’m a White Man and I’ll be out in the morning.” He continues shouting at the Deputies and using the in house phone to call them until they just shut it off and after an hour of tumultuous in processing he finally asleep in a cell.

He awakes to find he has been placed in the felony tier with those of the skin color who would usually find offense at the racial derogatory label he threw about the night before, all headed to the State Prison for major felonies. He’s bunked with the only white guy on the tier, a 3 time felony drunk driving offender sentenced to prison and he says, “I’m f****d” but his cell mate advises he’s OK as he was the most exciting thing that had happened in a months, the whole jail was “hooting and hollering and laughing,” especially after the “I’ll be out in the morning” as they knew what the Sheriff would do. On the third day David is telling the Deputies he needs to get out as he has “dogs in the house and stock that needs to be watered and fed” even though he had none. 

He relayed the story to me after I bought the house in MS and unfamiliar with MS laws I told him that it was my experience that most jurisdictions had a 72 hour pre arraignment hold so that people arrested over the weekend could be held for arraignment on Monday morning. “Never thought of that” he said, I expect thinking straight never entering his head as he was caught up in the moment. Moral of the story is never tell the Sheriff what he can’t do.

David met Joyce Smith of Maben, MS who was raised in Maben, left to be a School Teacher in FL. and returned to Maben on retirement. They married and David moved into her house on Chestnut St. They spent many years together enjoying life. They both shared a concern for animals and fed and took in many stray dogs and fed the stray cats in the neighborhood. They had his camper van and also a camper trailer and enjoyed camping and going fishing together. 

The house across the street came up for sale, a run down affair with a hole in the roof and raccoons and squirrels living inside of it. They bought the house to tear it down but David saw the foundation and structure sound so he repaired the 2 story roof framing, under roof, and put on a metal roof by himself. At 6’ 4” and 190 pounds he could carry and put down the panels with no help. Slowly over time and with spare materials from other jobs he fixed up about 1/2 the interior with a working bathroom, laundry, and kitchen, heat, AC and all plumbing working. He used many unfinished bedrooms for tool and material storage with his contracting business.

He got into an argument with his wife’s daughter, Karen (and a “Karen” she is) who cajoled her mother to divorce David which he accepted in stride. As the Mathiston house was rented he just moved in across the street and continued his contracting business and got on with his life. One day he was on the front porch and saw Joyce take a header over the side porch rail as she had had a major stroke. He ran to her side, followed the ambulance to the hospital, and when she was to be released moved back in her house to take care of her. She had a miraculous recovery and was physically functional with only minimal memory issues at first.

They decided to remarry and continue where they had left off. He was feeling a bit off and tests revealed he had Hepatitis B, most likely since he was a young man and this had led to liver cancer. He had surgery to remove the tumors off of his liver and was put on the transplant list. Even though he was in his 50s his physical condition was 100% and he matched for a transplant. The surgery rendered him disabled and he had to close his contracting business. They were living life together, keeping busy. We hadn’t seen each other in many years and I came to his house to visit and liked it here.

When I retired and decided to leave NY it was Northeast Mississippi where I looked to move to. I told the realtor “no fix me uppers” but was with David when I pulled into the driveway of my house, a 1965 never improved since then 4 bedroom, 2 bath ranch on 32 acres with a pond. Pulling in the drive I told David I liked the location. The place was a mess but David looked at it and at the end of inspection said, “we can fix this up nice” and so I put in an offer, went back to NY, and then bought the house.

Laundry room with carport entry/exit and holes in the wall to the ourside

The laundry room after renovations

Back to MS and some happy times as David would drive up in the morning, we would go get breakfast, then work on the house for 4-5 hours. Weakened from his medical issues his mind was sharp and we set about enjoying each others company as we worked, told stories of past adventures, and joked with many of the same jokes we told at 25 when working on projects together. I had all the windows and doors replaced, the laundry room and living room were finished, the dining room was mostly done and 3 bedrooms had been finished. With much work done I headed back to NY to get my last total knee replacement, sell my NY holdings and get back to MS and fixing the house. (Photo’s of renovation at end of the obituary)

Living room finished save for floor and laundry door trim, memories of a life well lived
Living room towards front door which is almost never used

Then the Wuhan China Virus hit, my surgery was postponed and life put on hold my expectation to be out of NY in September 2020 was pushed back an entire year to September of 2021. Worse, upon my return to MS my brother came to the house but was unable to work complaining of dizziness which started after his third Pfizer mRNA booster. It took the doctor 3 months to order tests which showed he had had a stroke and was suffering early dementia. His wife, who already had dementia, also had the 3rd Pfizer booster. The dementia in both of them continued to progress. The evil ones who designed the poison, I’m sure, are to deny any causal relationship and responsibility.

In October Karen spirited her mother away under false pretenses and had her placed in a care facility. While the right thing to do she did it the wrong way with no regard for my brother’s privacy or possessions. She took advantage of his dementia and I was going to file elder abuse complaints but David asked me not to out of respect for Joyce, so I deferred. While not needed by me, some of his property was pilfered by “friends and family.”  I moved him back across the street and made sure everything was running with him giving me power of attorney to take care of his affairs. He oft stated he was looking to live until he no longer had to care for Joyce and without Joyce he went downhill quickly. 

His (mis) treatment by the government system when he couldn’t care for himself even with my help is a story into and of itself. I’ll leave the telling for another time and place. I am angered at government bureaucracy which causes problems in such a way as no one is held accountable. No one can say how many days they have left on this earth, but it is safe to say that the happiness of my brothers last days, and my happy days with him, were stolen from us. 

Not to end on a sour note, he lit the candle at both ends his entire life and he rode his body hard as is our “Hays Boys” way. And in the end there were very many more happy days then mediocre and sad, for even on the “oh shit” days of turmoil and things not going like planned, he found humor and laughs in the irony of the stupid shit we do. It was a life well lived and his brothers, Jimmy and Tommy, among others remember him fondly and miss him greatly.  The home here a testament to his abilities and a reminder to me of the good times.

David working on the living room demo
David, ceiling and walls done, new windows in and door cut for laundry room
David admiring the brand new 20×30 w 12′ porch pole barn we had put in and getting the tools ready for the days work.
Dining room, done save for the floor trim
Feb. 2020 view from the dining room out the new patio door. We had finished the laundry room, living room entirely and dining room (save floor trim and cabinet spruce up), and 3 guest bedrooms including painting, flooring, windows and doors, crown moulding. This from Feb. 2019 to June 2019.
Jun 11, 2019 Daisy enjoys the view from the 1st guest bedroom which will soon have a new floor. We’ll head back to NY to return to MS with the first load of stuff.
February 2020 back in MS trying to find a place for the shit we collected, which filled a house and required a bigger house, which we started to fill with even more shit.
March 2020 returning to NY to get the 2nd total knee replacement, sell the NY house and return to MS to continue renovating the house with David. Surprise, the China Virus and lockdowns, life interrupting plans.
May 2021 start the move but learning that David is having trouble functioning as he comes to try to help but then has to sit down after 10 minutes, to dizzy to work.
July 2021 and the NY house is sold and all possessions moved to MS
November 25, 2021 David Wyan Hays and Joyce Smith Hays for Thanksgiving dinner at Siloam MS. By this time they had a difficult time just making it for an afternoon dinner. Tommy and Robyn stayed here and joined us for Thanksgiving in 2022 and David and Joyce joined us then but unfortunately I took no photo’s. I suppose I’ll have to rely on old fashioned memory.
The renovations continued me acting the “General Contractor,” with David unable to help, mostly through contractors, a new roof, tree cut down, water line and septic in the barn where I put in a sink and toilet, then electric to the barn (and a new electric utility pole to boot). I fixed the fence around the house and leased the land to a local farmer for grazing. I organized much stuff, put in raised beds and gardened, moved plantings around the house and worked on drainage, chickens and a coop, finished the guest bathroom (which is now the only working bathroom) and started demo on the master etc., etc. Since Oct. 2023 I have been taking care of my brothers affairs including his house repairs and food shopping weekly. Now household chores are just chores and I wish we had had more time, not to finish a project, but to have more projects to work on together which then didn’t seem like a chore. Life is about the journey not the end result. It’s been a good journey Bro, better with you in it. So hop on that bike, leave the helmet at home, and ride, ride like the wind. We’ll catch you on the flip flop.

Post script: David requested no service as he was a self professed “heathen” and a non believer. He had requested his body go to medical science and I had tried to arrange that but the government FUBAR is in effect and it didn’t happen. He’ll be cremated and his remains will sit on the shelf next to my Black Dog’s remains. My bible says ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and no mention of draining your blood, filling you with toxic chemicals, placing you in a wooden box which is then placed in a cement box so you sit in the ground for 10,000 years not decaying. I’ll be cremated also, thank you, and whoever (person pet, or other) which is on the shelf can be put into a coffee can with me and our ashes spread where ever (choose a nice, non windy day is my advice). I’ll take a prayer myself being a believer, and say one for all the others, heathen or not, it’s the Christian thing to do.

Hays PA and VA 1700s DNA – What We Know

The Big Y Test Reveals a common Hays ancestor in 1550 CE for Patrick Hays (1720s PA) and John Hays (1740s VA) and a distinct DNA line for Patrick Hays (PA).

Four of us Ulster Scot Hays whose ancestors migrated to the America’s in the early 1700s have completed the Big Y 700 at Family Tree DNA and have family trees going back to either Patrick Hays settling in Derry, PA 1728 or John Hays settling in Augusta, VA in 1740. DNA indicates that both have a common ancestry from Ulster, Ireland. With a mutation from a common ancestor in 1550 and a second mutation in 1750. Persons with the “Hays” surname and lacking recorded evidence of ancestry may be able to use the Big Y DNA test to identify their line back to Scotland through Northern Ireland and the pioneer settlers in PA and VA in America in the 1720s and 1740s respectively.

If I’m reading this correctly, our common ancestor is R-FT115175. He was in 1550 CE (1296-1706) the parent group from which R-FT115690 mutated from. R-FT115690 is the parent of R-FT116536 which mutated in 1750 CE (1657-1857).  We have 2 persons with R-FT116536 and they trace to Patrick Hays 1705-1790 in PA. We have 2 persons with R-FT116590 who trace their ancestry (highly suspected) to John Hays 1674-1750 in VA. Thus any person doing research on their Hays line who matches an ancestor in the line of the 4 listed can be reasonably certain (barring any errors in the genealogy trees) that they are from the Patrick Hays or John Hays lines. The R-FT116590 shows relations to John Hays from the mutation in 1550 which may be a relative 175 years before his birth. The R-FT116536 mutation may be Patrick Hays himself or his father or grandfather and as such relation may be through his brothers, or an unknown cousin, who migrated with him in the early 1700s.

R-FT116590 and R-FT116536 family trees: (As reported by the individuals, Patrick or John into the 1800s).

  1. R-FT116536 Patrick Hays 1705-1790, Samuel Hays ? Dauphin County, PA – 1805 Warren, Kentucky, William Hays 10 Mar 1761 Augusta, VA – 25 Sep 1851 Warren Kentucky, Daniel Hays 1799 ? – 1862 Warren, KY.
  2. R-FT116536 Patrick Hays 1705-1790, Samuel Hays 1741 Dauphin County, PA  1805 Bowling Green, KY, James Hays 1758 Augusta, VA  (1783 lived in Davidson, TN) – 1830 Warren County, KY, John Hays 1785 Lincoln County, KY – ?, James Samuel Hays 1822 Bowling Green, KY – 1860 Marlin, TX.
  3. R-FT116590 John Hays (unconfirmed) 1720 Bangor, Ireland – ? Augusta, VA, Unknown Hays, William Hays 1753 VA – 1831 Wythe, VA,  Jacob Hays 1785 Rich Valley, Montgomery, VA – 1858 Brunswick, MO
  4. R-FT116590 (me) John Hays 1674-1750, James Hays unk (Ulster)-unk, James Hays unk-unk, William Hays 3 Mar 1773 Rockbridge, VA – 10 Sep 1857 Greene, TN, George Hays 1802 Blue Springs, Greene, TN – 1866 Blue Springs, Greene, TN, William A. Hays 1835 Clear Creek, Greene, TN – 1911 Cedar Lane, Greene, TN. 

At Family Tree DNA, the 67 Marker YDNA has 2 persons with a genetic distance of 3 steps from me, one traced back to Patrick Hays and one traced back to John Hays. FTDNA advises that at 111 markers 0 steps removed is accurate to 6 generations, 1 step is 9 generations, and 2 steps are 11 generations. At 111 there are 2 persons 5 steps removed with 1 tracing to John Hays and 1 tracing to Patrick Hays and one 6 steps removed tracing to Patrick Hays. The 67 and 37 marker tests show the Y-DNA Haplogroup R-M269 which mutated 4000 years ago (with 14 mutations to R-FT115175) thus any Y-DNA test below the Big-Y 700 will not provide any help in determining which Hays line you came from given he common ancestor R-FT115175 in 1550 Scotland and the common ancestor branches from R-FT116590 in late 1600-early 1700s Ulster Ireland.

These Hays arrived, most likely, in Philadelphia settled on the edge of the European settlements between existing original settlers and the natives (which we will discuss further in later blogs). There were scant written records when the Hays arrived in America and the European settlements didn’t venture far inland from the coastal settlements. As an example Patrick Hays settlement in Dauphin County in 1728 was well beyond the “Walking Purchase” of land from the Lenape (Delaware) Indians in 1737. The settlement in the Shenandoah River Valley of Virginia of John Hays in the 1740s likewise was intended to provide a buffer between the original settlers in Jamestown and the natives, luckily recorded in the Lyman Chalkley “Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement of Virginia.”

By 1700 the powerful Iroquois Federation (originally 5 tribes: Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca adding a 6th, the Tuscarora in 1722) controlled most of present day NY, PA, VA and the lands west to the Ohio River Valley and beyond (control claimed by other tribes also).  The 1722 Treaty of Albany (NY) was supposed to stop settlement beyond the Blue Ridge Mountains at the Great Warriors Path (southeast of the Appalachian Mountains) but the number of settlers outpaced available land and settlement continued west in PA and then southwest following the Shenandoah Valley.  In 1742 a party of Onondaga and Oneida Indians skirmished with the Augusta, VA Militia and in 1744 at the Treaty of Lancaster the Iroquois sold the Shenandoah Valley which increased settlements and development of the Great Wagon Road (former Great Warriors Path) which stretched from Philadelphia to Gettysburg then southwest to Roanoke and then south into the Piedmont of North Carolina and continuing through South Carolina ending at Augusta, GA on the Savannah River.     

The Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County PA states that Patrick Hays was born in Donegal, Ireland in 1705 and arrived in PA settling in Dauphin County, Derry, PA in 1728 with his brothers, Hugh, William, and James. Patrick had 5 sons (David, Robert, William, Samuel, and Patrick). James is presumed dead by 1751 and brother Hugh and William travel to Virginia in the early 1750s with Hugh returning to PA until his death with only a daughter recorded. Patricks 2 sons, William (b. 1737) and Samuel (b. 1741) also travel to Virginia.

John Hays and Patrick Hays (VA) self imported to Orange County, Virginia in 1740 from Northern Ireland via Philadelphia (unknown arrival year). As self importers they were entitled to settle land which was awarded in two grants, one the Beverly Grant and the other the Borden Grant (which we will explore in depth in a future blog).  Patrick settled with his wife Frances and children Joan, William, Margaret, Catherine, and Ruth. John’s wife was Rebecca with children Charles, Andrew, Barbara, Joan, and Robert.

Patrick’s (PA) brothers Hugh and William travelled to Virginia in the 1750s and his sons William (1737) married (1767 ) Jean Taylor and Samuel (1741) married unknown and removed to Virginia also. It is possible they continued down the road into North Carolina also given the Indian hostilities occurring at the time.  The French and Indian War, 1754-1763 caused much movement between Virginia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina which ended with the treaty of Paris with England controlling the Ohio Country. In 1763 a Royal Proclamation was issued preventing settlement past the Appalachian Mountains to try to prevent conflict with the Indians.

Thus, due to a hostile frontier, and until the end of the Revolutionary War 1775-1873, settlement was restricted and movement amongst the Hays ancestors of Patrick and John Hays occurred mostly in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina with many moving back and forth as hostilities moved about. Excursions into Kentucky began with Daniel Boone and his son in law Capt. William B. Hays cutting the Wilderness Road through the Cumberland Gap and the Wautauga Settlement on leased land from the Cherokee in East Tennessee but widespread settlement wasn’t to occur until the end of the war.  Virginia (who controlled Kentucky) ceded their wilderness land to the Federal Government in 1783 and North Carolina (which controlled Tennessee) started land grants and then ceded their wilderness lands to the Federal Government in 1790.  Many of our Hays ancestors continued their pioneering with land grants in TN and KY.

Research notes John Hays to KY, MO

I received an email from a Hays cousin which contained notes sent to him by EDH in 1997 and thought it might be useful to provide research direction for those trying to unscramble their Hays line. The notes run in chronological order with the source in brackets. I have highlighted most of the names to aid in searching for an individual but have added nor deleted any content.

I have notes of other Hays deed records to copy in Adair Co., Ky. :

C,245 1813 Gabriel Hays, apprenticeship

C,185; C513; D199 Gabriel Hays

F,355 Gabriel and Betsey Hays

E,567 (662? can’t read), E,810; E,906; unknown: book was missing

G,96 1827 Charles Hays

G,200 1828 Charles Hays

G,413 1830 Charles Hays

G,455 1830 Charles Hays frees slaves

H,1 1830 Charles Hays (he later removed to Macomb, Illinois)


aacv = “Annals of Augusta County, Virginia, from 1726 to 1781,” by Jos. A. Waddell, 1902

acm = “Virginia Historic Marriage Register: Augusta County Marriages 1748-1850,” John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr., Iberian Publishing Co., Athens, Georgia, (no year) p. 106-7 and 306

aekw = “Abstracts of Early Kentucky Wills and Inventories” J. Estelle Stewart King 1933 page 4

fb = family Bible

csisv = “Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia,” Volumes 1 -3

gdjwws = “Genealogy of the Descendants of John Walker of Wigton .Scotland, 1600-1902,” by Emma Wiggins White, Kansas City, Mo., Press of Tiernan-Dart Printing Co. 1902

hrcv = “A History of Rockbridge County, Virginia,” by Oren F. Morton, 1920

igi = International Genealogical Index, Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints [many inaccuracies]

mrack = “Marriage Records of Adair County Kentucky 1802-1840” by Ruth Powell Burdette

mrrcm = “Marriage Records of Ralls County Missouri” who published??

rcmmr = “Ralls County Missouri Marriage Records” compiled by Nell Downing Norton. Typed with carbons, but apparently never actually published; available in the St Louis Missouri Public Library.

ts = tombstone inscription

vw&a = “Virginia Wills and Administration”


May 22, 1740, fourteen heads of families appeared at Orange Court to prove their importation… “from Ireland to Philadelphia, and from thence to this colony, at his own charges, and this is the first time of proving his and their rights in order to obtain land, which is ordered to be certified.” [among the fourteen heads of families were:]

John Hays and his children, Rebecca [wife], Charles, Andrew, Barbara, Joan and Robert.

Patrick Hays and his children Francis [wife], Joan, William, Margaret, Catharine and Ruth. [aacv,38]

1740 The first mill …was that of Charles Hays. It was probably not built later than 1740. [HRCV,40] The gristmill came early and has been well represented ever since. The first in the county was that of John Hays It was built around 1740, and must have been specimen of the primitive affair known as the tubmill. But Hays had a fulling mill by 1751, and probably earlier. [hrcv,169]

July 24, 1740. Deed Book II, Page 35. –Joseph Reed, Taylor to David Hayes, yeoman, bought by Joseph from Beverly, 24th July, 1740, and deeded 25th September, 1741. Wm. Beverly, corner Jno. Buchanan, James Robinson, Charles Campbell. Teste: Patrick Campbell. [csisv3,270]

June 1, 1742 List of deeds recorded in Orange County executed by Benjamin Borden, 1734-1745: Charles Hays, 1st June, 1742 [csisv1,524-5 ]

Hays, Charles–189 9-16 [acres]–6p–1742. [hrcv, 345]

Patrick Hays, 16th August, 1742 [csisv1,524-5]

Dec 18, 1742 The first clash between settler and the aborinine took place near the mouth of North River. . . Charles Hays [militiaman]… was in the battle. [hrcv,64]

1745 Andrew Hays made lieutenant. [hrcv,54]

May 12, 1746 Appointed Constable: … Charles Hayes. [csisv1,17]

Jun 18, 1746 Charles Hays appointed Constable last court qualified. [csisv1,18]

Jun 18, 1746 Deed Book I, Page 125. [Zeruiah Borden, widow, of Frederick County and Benj. Borden, of Augusta, executors of Benj. Borden, late of Orange,] to John Hays. Testator in his lifetime had agreed to sell to Hays; 318 acres, 2 roods, 38 p., part of 92,100 patented to Benjamin 6th ——, 1739 on bank of Hays Creek, Moxbett Creek, where Maxbett and Hays Creek come together. Con., 5 shillings. Acknowledged [to Benjamin in person and for Zeruiah, 18th June, 1746.] [csisv3 p.256]

Hays, John (Rebecca) –318 59-80–?–1746–Hays Cr. [hrcv, 346]

Nov 20, 1746 John Hays fined for swearing. [csisv1,24]

Mar 2, 1747 John Hays, son of Andrew, born Augusta County, Timber Grove, Va. [igi]

May 20, 1747 Andrew Hays [appeared in court] in behalf of his mother, Rebecca Hays. [csisv1,27]

Aug 21, 1747 Arthur Watt sues for freedom dues from Charles Hays 3, 10. [csisv1,31]

1747 George Hays [estate inventory], Augusta Co. [vw&a]

1748 Deed Book II, Page 35. –Joseph Reed, Taylor to David Hayes, yeoman, bought by Joseph from Beverly, 24th July, 1740, and deeded 25th September, 1741. Wm. Beverly, corner Jno. Buchanan, James Robinson, Charles Campbell. Teste: Patrick Campbell. [csisv3,270]

1749 Hays, David–124 [acres]–3p 15s. [hrcv, 345]

1749 Hays, David–124 [acres]–3p 5s. [hrcv, 345]

1750 Road ordered from John Hays‘ mill to providence meetinghouse. Posts of direction to be set up. [hrcv,55]

1750 Charles Hays born Augusta County, Va. [igi]

Feb 1750 John Saller vs Charles Hays — Saller lives on Roanoke, 1749 August. [csisv1,305]

Feb 26, 1750 Will Book I, Page 294. Gilbert Campbell’s will, of Forks of James River, plantationer — … Proved, 26th February, 1750 by Thompson and Allison, and probate granted to Andrew Hays. [csisv3,19]

Nov 30, 1750 Will Book I, Page 281. New Kent — Thos. Wadle, Dr., to James Renalds; Matthew Young, Dr., to James Renalds; Charles Hays, Dr., to James Renalds, 1 doubloon, 2 maydores, 1 pistole, 2 pieces of silver; Robert Armstrong, Dr., one bufelow, 3, 12. James Rannald’s will (Renalds) –Wife and children; two eldest sons. Teste: Charles McAnally, Rebeckah Buchanan. Executors, John Hays and James Thompson. Proved, 30th November, 1750, by Rebeckah Buchanan, and Charles to be summoned. [csisv3 p.19]

1750 Jno. Hays [will], Augusta Co. [vw&a]

Dec 25, 1750 Will Book I, Page 291. John Hays‘ will, plantationer — Wife, Rebecca; three sons: son, Andrew; son, Charles; son, John (land on Roanoke joining William Miller’s plantation); nephew, John Hays, Jr. (Rebecca Hays,

daughter to son John); daughter, Jenett Mills; nephew, (?) Rebecky Guines; nephew, Robert Lusk; nephew, James Hays, son to son James; legatee, Robert Lusk; Legatee, Abigail Hayes, alias Kinseys. Executors, wife Rebecky and

sons Charles and Andrew. Teste: James Buchanan, Saml. Hayes, James Moore. Proved 26th February 1750, by all witnesses, and Charles and Andrew refuse to administer and Rebecca qualifies with sureties (no bond appears).

[csisv3,19] John Hays –pioneer— d. 1751–m. Rebecca —. Children: Charles, Andrew, Barbara, Jenette (m. — Mills), Robert, James. [hrcv,492]

Feb 27, 1750-51 Will Book I, Page 307. Rebecca Hays‘ bond as executor of John Hays, with sureties James Walker and James Buchanan. [csisv3,20]

Feb 27, 1750-51 Will Book I, Page 308. Andrew Hays‘ bond as executor of Gilbert Campbell, with sureties Charles Hayes, James Walker. [csisv3,20]

1751 Order road from Hays’ fulling mill to Timber Ridge meeting house. [hrcv,56]

May 25, 1751 Will Book I, Page 339. John Hays’ appraisement, by Joseph Coulton, Alex. Walker, James Moore. [csisv3 p.21]

Aug 21, 1751 Deed Book III, Page 442. John Lockhart and Rebecca, to David Hayes, 202 1/2 acres in Beverley Manor; Robert Ramsey’s line. [csisv3, p.297]

Aug 28, 1751 Robert Lusk chose Andrew Hays guardian. [csisv1,46]

1752 (about) Robert Hays, son of John Hays and Martha Thompson, born Rockbridge County, Va. [igi] [possibility that Robert was born on his Grandmother’s property, or Robert was born after August in 1752 –after his father had been willed the property– or he may have been born elsewhere. His father John owned property on the Roanoke. -egh]

Aug 24, 1752 Charles Hays born Augusta Co., Va. son of Andrew and Prudence (Campbell) Hays [rcmmr,122] 1752 (about) Charles John Hays born Rockbridge County, Va. [igi]

Aug 19, 1752 Deed Book IV, Page 392. Rebecca Hays, widow and executrix of John Hays, plantationer, to Charles Hays, tract laid off and surveyed by Francis Beatty and James McCoskery, their son, planter, 318 acres. On Moffets and Hays Creek. From Zerinah Borden and Benjamin to John Hays, 18th June 1746. Son, Andrew Hays. Fork of Walker’s (otherwise called Hays’ Creek) and Moffet’s Creek. [csisv3,305] Deed Book IV, Page 396. Same to son, Andrew Hays. Same. [csisv3 p.305] Sold by widow [of John Hays]: 50 acres to Charles (son), 1752, for 5 p; 258 acres to John (son), 1752, for 50 p; each son given a half interest in the mill and the 10 acres around it. [hrcv,346]

Aug. 20, 1752 Andrew Hays qualified Lieutenant of Foot. [csisv1,54]

Aug 27, 1752 Deed Book V, Page 14. Hugh Martin to Charles Hays, 250 acres on Back Creek in Borden’s Grant; corner Andrew Hays; John Buchanan’s land. Teste: Andrew Scott, Andrew Hays, Majot Scot. Delivered: Andrew Hays, July, 1757. [csisv3 p.308] Hugh Martin sold to Charles Hays, 1752, 250 acres for 55p. [hrcv , 347]

Aug 11, 1753. Deed Book V, Page 426. John Risk to Samuel Hays, 100 Acres on James River in Borden’s tract, John Edmonson’s line. [csisv3,316]

Aug 21, 1754 Deed Book VI, Page 416. [Borden’s executors] to Andrew Hays, 14, 717 acres in thre separate surveys, joining the lines of said Andrew’s old plantation, part of 92,100 arces. First tract, John Walker’s line by north edge of Moffet’s Creek; Back Creek to Forks of Walker’s Creek; Andrew Hays‘ old line passing by the dwelling house, grist mill, and fulling mill, 307 acres. Second tract, on Hays’ Creek; corner to his old survey, 250 acres. Third tract; corner Charles Hays; Andrew Hays‘ corner; line of Charles Hays’ new survey. Delivered to Andrew Hays, March 1757. [csisv3 p.329] Hays, Andrew –717 [acres] (3 tracts)–13 p–1754–adjoining homestead. [hrcv, 345]

Aug 22, 1754 Deed Book V, Page 17. (this deed was recorded 16th November 1752, and 2 has been erased and 4 inserted). Same to Andrew Hays, 250 acres, as above. Corner Charles Hays; Thomas Paxton’s line. [csisv3 p.308]

ugh Martin sold to Andrew Hays, 1754, 250 acres for 30p 5s. [hrcv, 346]

Mar 20, 1756 Deed Book VII, Page 299. David Hays and Jean to Nathaniel Steel, 77, 202 1/2 acres in Beverley Manor. Jno. Fulton’s line. Teste: Samuel and Robert Steel. [csisv3 p.342]

Mar 18, 1757 Andrew Hays — took the oaths. [csisv1,76]

1757 Charles Hays –m. Barbara —- –admr. William Paul. [hrcv,492 ]

1758 John McCroskey road overseer from Alexander Millers to the line of Beverly Manor; Charles Hays from Andrew Hays‘ mill to Captain Kennedy’s.Order for a road from Hays’ mill to Timber Ridge meeting house. Overseers, Alexander Miller, Joseph Culton, and Archibald Alexander. [hrcv,57]

April 14, 17– Court of Claims — propositions and grievances: Andrew Hays for ranging and provisions for his company. Andrew Hays for provisions to John Woods. [csisv1,80]

1760 From a list of patents on the waters of the upper James between the Blue Ridge and the North Mountain: Hays, Andrew, 337 acres –branches of James. [hrcv,351-52 ]

1760 (about) James Hays, son of Andrew and Prudence born Augusta Co., Va.

Aug 19, 1761 Archibald Alexander, Felix Gilbert, Andrew Hays, John Tate, John Buchanan, to survey a road from Stuart’s to the top of the mountain near Rockfish Gap. [hrcv,57]

Jan 6, 1762 Deed Book X, Page 379. John Snelson of Hanover, merchant, and Robert Donald, late of County of Hanover, merchant, by Thos. Buchanan, John McDowell, of Hanover, Peter Belshus, of Louisa, merchants, to Robert

Breckinridge, 265 acres conveyed by mortgage by John Hays, of Albemarle, 4th April, 1751, mortgage foreclosed by decree of General Court, 15th October, 1756, 40 paid for use of Snelson and Donald, on Roanoke; cor. to

survey made by John Smith. Teste: Francis Smith, Stephen Willis, Francis Smith, Jr., Wm. Anderson. Proved by witnesses. Delivered: Maj. Robert Breckinridge, 9th February, 1771. [csisv3 p.385]

May 12, 1762 Deed Book X, Page 370. Andrew Hays and Margaret to Henry Miller (Dutchman), 40, 231 acres, part of Borden’s 92100, on Moffet’s Creek, on John Walker’s line, on Back Creek, Fork of Walker’s Creek. Acknowledged and privy examination. [csisv3,385] Hays, Andrew to Henry Miller, 231 acres, 20 p, 1762. [hrcv, 358]

May 20, 1762 Patrick Hara, Thos. Brannon, John Hays, soldiers, march into court with their hats on and insult the Court. Committed to jail during pleasure. [csisv1,97]

[between 1762 and 1765] Andrew Hays vs John Moore} dedimus to take possession of Jane Hays, about to move to Carolina. [csisv1,125]

1763 (about) Prudence Hays (daughter of Andrew) born Rockbridge County, Va. [igi]

1763 (about) Mary Hays (wife of Nicholas Davis) born Rockbridge County, Va. [igi]

Feb 14, 1763 Deed Book XI, Page 137. [Borden’s executors] to Andrew Hays, 50, 200 acres, part of 92,100; corner Samuel McDowell; corner James McDowell. Delivered: John Hays, January 1770. [csisv3 p.394]

Hays, Andrew–200 [acres]–120p–1763–on hill above mill. [hrcv,345 ]

Apr 28, 1763 Hugh Hays and — —- , license only; Augusta Co., Va. [acm,10 6]

Sep 18, 1763. Deed Book XI, Page 523. Samuel Hays and Elisabeth ( ) to Wm. Thomson, 45, 100 acres in a line of Borden’s great tract, near land of John Edmiston. Teste: Wm. Buchanan, Archibald Reaugh, David Wilson, George

Buchanan. [csisv3,407]

June 8, 1765 Deed Book XII, Page 98. Andrew Hays and Margaret ( ) to William Miller, 30, 337 acres on branches of James. [csisv3 p.427] Hays, Andrew to William Miller, 337 acres, 30 p, 1765. [hrcv, 358]

Aug 21, 1765 Deed Book XII, Page 149. Andrew and Margaret Hays to John Misscamble, 50, 250 acres in Borden’s grant; corner Andrew Fitzpatrick’s line on Back Creek; Thomas Paxton’s corner. Delivered, James Misscamble.

November Court, 1773. [csisv3 p.429] Hays, Andrew (Margaret) to John Miscampbell (McCampbell) 250 acres, 50 p, 1765. [hrcv, 358]

Aug 21, 1765. [Commission for privy examination of] Margaret Hays, wife of Andrew Hays, deed to John Miscampbel, dated 21st August, 1765. [csisv1 ,429]

Oct 8, 1765 Deed Book XII, Page 261. Same to John Hays. 20, 160 acres in Borden’s tract; corner Andrew Hays‘ in John Miss Campbell’s line; Corner James Anderson. Delivered: Jacob Anderson, 27th July, 1772. [csisv3,433]

Oct 9, 1765 Deed Book XII, Page 259. Charles Hays and Barbara to Andrew Hays, Jr., 10, 90 acres in Borden’s tract; corner John Miss Campbell’s on James Anderson’s line; walnut on the bank of Back Creek. Teste: Andrew Hays, Sr., John Hays, Wm. McCampbell. [csisv3 p.433]

Hays, Charles (Barbara) –(1) to John Hays 160 acres, 20 p, 1765 — adjoining James Anderson; (2) to Andrew Hays 90 acres, 10 p, 1765; (3) to John Hays, 160 acres, 20 p, 1765. [hrcv,358 ]

Oct 15, 1765 Deed Book XII, Page 247. Henry ( ) Miller and Elenor ( ) to Andrew Hays, Gent., 55, 231 acres in Borden’s tract, John Walker’s line by the edge of Moffett’s Creek, Oak on Back Creek, the Forks of Walker’s Creek. Teste: Andrew and Wm. McCampbell, Andrew Hayes. [csisv3 p.432]

Oct 15, 1765 Deed Book XII, Page 249. Andrew Hays and Margaret to John Kelley, 46, 231 acres in Borden’s tract, John Walker’s line by North edge of Moffet’s Creek; ash on Back Creek as above. Delivered: John Kelley, 10th

August, 1773. [csisv3 p.432-3]

Oct 21, 1765 John Hays returned not found in bailiwick. [csisv1,126]

May 2, 1766 Deed Book XIII, Page 23. [Borden’s executors] to Charles Hays, 4, 165 acres agreed by Benj. , Jr., to be sold to John Kirk, part of 92100, beginning his old corner and James Moore’s line, spur of North Mountain. Delivered: Chas. Hays, 16 August, 1773. [csisv3,443] Hays, Charles–165 [acres]–4p–1766–Hays Cr. [hrcv, 345]

Aug 2, 1766 Deed Book XIII, Page 25. [Borden’s executors] to Charles Hays, 6, 200 acres in 92100 on river side, Hays’ Creek, Robert Christian’s corner on said creek. [csisv3 p.443] Hays, Charles–200[acres]–6p–1766–Hays Cr. [hrcv,345]

Aug 20, 1766 Deed Book XIII, Page 15. Joseph Ward and Janet ( ) to John Hays and Elizabeth Ray, 37, 220 Acres conveyed to Joseph by Andrew Brown, 21st May, 1755, on Poague’s Draft of James River, Borden’s patent. Teste:

Archibald Alexander, John Greenlee, Andrew Wilson. [csisv3,443] Ward, Joseph (Jenet) to John Hay and Elizabeth Ray, 200 acres, sold by Andrew Brown, 1753, 37 p, 1766, Poage’s Draft on Borden line. [hrcv,363 ]

Oct 2, 1766 Deed Book XIII, Page 28. [Borden’s executors] to Andrew Hays, 20, 100 acres, part of 92100, beginning on Back Creek in John McCoskry’s line, corner Isaac Anderson; John Buntin’s corner. Delivered: Robert Risk per order, 20th December, 1773. [csisv3 p.443] Hays, Andrew–100 [acres]–20p–1766–Back Cr., adjoining Isaac Anderson. [hrcv,345 ]

Mar 18, 1767 Andrew Hays, Jr. qualified Captain of Militia. [csisv1,132] Andrew Hays, captain [hrcv,58]

Aug 18, 1767 The following produced certificates for hemp: .. .John Hays, Jr. [csisv1,136 ]

Mar 21, 1769 Road Surveyor: … John Hays. [csisv1,155 ]

1770 Charles Hays Certifies 2293 pounds of hemp. [hrcv p.58 ]

1770 John Hays … vestryman. [hrcv p.58 ]

Mar 21, 1770 Recommended as Justice: … John Hays, Jr. [csisv1,160]

Mar 21, 1770 Andrew Hays vs Moses Cunningham — abates by death of deft. [csisv1,160]

March, 1770 Anderson vs Andrew and James Hays — Debt writ 26 Jan 1769 [csisv1,361]

June 18, 1770 Deed Book IXX, Page 145. Charles Hays, Sr., and Margaret ( ) to Charles Hays, Jr., 10 acres devised to Charles, Sr., by his father John Hays, by will dated 5th December, 1750. Teste: Andrew and John Hays, Ericus Smith. Delivered: October Court, 1784. [csisv3,529]

Nov 15, 1770 Deed Book XVII, Page 148. Andrew Hays to John Hays, 5, 300 acres of Borden’s 92100, below forks of Hays and Moffet’s Creeks. Corner Charles Hays. Teste: Andrew McCampbell, John Walker, John Walker, Joseph

Moore. [csisv3,508]

Nov 14, 1771 Deed Book XVIII, Page 253. James Wardlaw and Martha to James Logan, Samuel Buchanan, Alexander Walker, Sr., Andrew Hays, James Henry, James McCampbell, Thomas Hill, John Huston, Alexander Walker, Jr., elders of the Congregation of Presbyterian Dissenters of New Providence, 50, 8 1/2 acres whereon New Providence Meeting House now stands; Andrew Duncan’s line; trust for purpose of a meeting house for public worship, and a graveyard. Teste: Alexander Sinclair, Samuel Bell, George Weir. Delivered: Joseph Moore, 1st April, 1796. [csisv3,520]

Sep 19, 1772 Deed Book IXX, Page 118. John Hays and Mary to John Tedford. Teste: Robert Tedford, John McCampbell, Samuel McDowell. Delivered: John Tedford, 31st May, 1794. [csisv3,528]

1772 Charles Hays married Martha Gilmore, Augusta County, Va. [igi]

1773 Hemp certificates given: Andrew Hays, 3300. [hrcv,59 ]

Mar 3, 1773 William, son of James Hays and Rachel, born Rockbridge County,Va. [igi]

Mar 16, 1773 New commission — Justice viz.: … John Hays [csisv1,169]

May 22, 1773 John Hays has removed out of the county. [csisv1,173]

Aug 17, 1773 John Hays Qualified Justice, &c. [csisv1,173]

Sep 10, 1773 Deed Book XXI, Page 390. Charles Hays and Margaret to William Tedford. Teste: John and Charles Hays, James McCampbell, John Tedford. [csisv3,548]

Mar 15, 1774 New Commission of Justices, viz: … John Hays [csisv1,177 ]

Mar 16, 1774 Following qualified as Justices, &c, viz: … John Hays [csisv1,177]

Jan 17, 1775 New Commission of Justices, viz: … John Hays [csisv1,183]

Jan 19, 1775 Claims of John Hays for attendance to settle accounts as pack horse masters. [csisv1,184 ]

Feb 27, 1775 Will Book V, Page 432. David Hays‘ will — To wife, servant girl named Agness McGraw; to daughter, Johanna Buchanan; to daughter, Eloner Paxton; to Daughter, Hannah Sawyers; to daughter, Mary Lapsley; to sons, David, William, Joseph, Robert, John, division. Executors, wife Isabella Hays, William Paxton, James Sawyers. Teste: Andrew Kinnear, George Berry, Agness Kinnear. Proved, 21st August, 1776 by solemn affirmation of the Kinnears. Isabella and Sawyers qualify. Paxton to be summoned. 19th

August 1777, Paxton qualifies. [csisv3,144]

Oct 29, 1776 Will Book V, Page 453. David Hays’ estate appraised by George Jameson, Andrew Kinnear, David Buchanan. [csisv3,145]

Nov 19, 1776 New Commission of Justices, viz: … John Hays [csisv1,189]

Mar 18, 1777 Will Book V, Page 469. Recorded. David Hays’ further appraisement. [csisv3 ,145]

May 15, 1777 Will Book V, Page 514. David Hays‘ estate appraised by George Jameson, Andrew Kinnear. [csisv3,148]

Sept 16, 1777 John Hays (s. of Andrew and Prudence) married Anne Christian

1778 or before. Charles Hays married Margaret –. [hrcv, 491]

1778 John Hays, Justice. [hrcv, 565]

1778 Tithables. When there is more than one tithable in a home the number follows the name: Hays, Andrew -6; Hays, Charles -4; Hays, Charles; Hays, John (captain) -2; [hrcv, 365-66]

1778 Jno. Hays [estate inventoried], Augusta Co. [vw&a]

1778 Richard Hays [estate inventoried], Augusta Co. [vw&a]

Mar 18, 1778 William Hercules Hays, son William Hercules Hays and Mary Slack, born Rockbridge County, Va. [igi]

May, 1779 Beanaman vs Andrew Hays — Bond by defendant of Augusta Co in 1754 [csisv1,372 ]

1779 or 1780 Charles Hays m. Mary Campbell Walker [gdjwws,495] son of Andrew Hays and Prudence Campbell; dau Joseph Walker and Nancy McClung

Apr 20, 1781 Andrew Hays born. [gdjwws,495] Rockbridge County, Va. [igi] son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker.

1782 George Hays i, Rockbridge Co. [vw&a]

1782 Andrew Hays i, Rockbridge Co. [vw&a]

1782 Taxpayers. Hays, Andrew –11S–9h–27c; Hays, Charles–4S–3h–10c; Hays, John–6S–6h–18c–1 two-wheeled carriage [hrcv, 372]

Jan 13, 1783 Those present at the first meeting of the board [of what later became which? Virginia Military Institute or Washington and Lee University] … John Hays [hrcv, 190]

Feb 20, 1783 Prudence Hays married John Brownlee, Augusta County, Va. [igi] dau Andrew Hays and Prudence Campbell.

Apr 1, 1783 Joseph Hays born Rockbridge County, Va. [igi] son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker.

1784-1785 John Hays, delegate. [hrcv,560 ]

Aug 16, 1785 Will Book VI, Page 480. Commissioners report they cannot settle David Hays’ estate for lack of vouchers. They report that the administrator of George Waildon was paid in 1779-1780 fifteen pounds more than the estate amounted to. [csisv3,173]

Feb 9, 1786 Will of Andrew Hays mentioned: sons Charles, David, James, John, Joseph, and daughters Mary and Prudence. Rockbridge County, Va. [igi]

1786 Andrew Hays, miller died. Children: John, Charles,, James, Prudence (m. –Brownlee), Joseph, David, Mary. [hrcv, 491]

Apr 23, 1786 John Hays born Rockbridge County, Va. [igi] son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker.

May 2, 1786 Andrew Hays’ will filed in Rockbridge Co. Va.

s. James Hays

s. John Hays

s. Charles Hays

s. David Hays

s. Joseph Hays

d. Mary Hays

d. Prudence Brownlee [vwb1799,45]

April 23, 1786 John Hays born [gdjwws,495] Rockbridge County, Va. [igi] son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker.

1786 Alex.Hays [will], Rockbridge Co. [vw&a]

1787 Andrew Hays [estate inventoried], Rockbridge Co. [vw&a]

May 27, 1788 Polly M. [Mary Margaret] Hays born. [gdjwws,495] Rockbridge County, Va. [igi] dau. of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker.

04 Sep 1789 Mary Hays married Joseph Walker in Rockbridge Co., Va.; dau. Andrew Hays and Margaret Stephenson

Dec 23, 1789 Catherine Hays and Edward Mooney ; Catherine recently from Ireland; bondsman James Curtis; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,306]

1789 John Hays married Nancy McCampbell [hrcv, 492] [unidentified source gives 29 Dec 1789; she also called Ann Miscampbell]; son of Andrew Hays and Prudence Campbell.

Oct 29, 1790 Charles Hays born. [gdjwws,495] Rockbridge County, Va. [igi] son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker.

Nov. 5, 1792 James W. Hays born. [gdjwws,495] Rockbridge County, Va. [igi] son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker

Dec 27, 1792 Richard Hays and Rachel Risk; d. Elizabeth Stewart, who consents witnesses Charles Stuart (Stewart) & John Risk, bondsman John Risk minister John Brown 24 Jan 1793; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,107]

March 7, 1794 George Campbell Hays born [gdjwws,496] [fb] [ts] born Rockbridge County, Va. [igi] son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker

Feb. 3, 1796 Sallie Hays born. [gdjwws,496] dau. of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker

1796 Moses Hays [will], Augusta Co. [vw&a]

Jan 8, 1799 Sally Hays and John Moffett Jr; Sally (of age) sister to Patrick Hays bondsman Patrick Hays; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,306]

1800 thirty-nine lashes were ordered for Peter, a slave of John Hays. [hrcv,143]

25 Jan 1802 Patrick Hayes and Jane Brown dau. of William, bondsman William Brown;; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,106]

Nov 20, 1802 William Brownlee and William Reagh of Green Co., Ky, promise to Charles Hays 139 Pounds 7 shillings 8 pence lawful money before Jan 1, 1803, or forfeit land on Trade Water number 37, the patent of which Hays has in hand. Witnesses John Toms Slater, James Walker, Andrew Hays. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book A, page104]

Oct 22, 1803 Trustees of the Town of Columbia to Charles Hays, [no values listed]; Lot Nos. 6, 7, 15,16, and 17 in the Town of Columbia, Adair Co., Ky. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book A, page128-135]

Feb 25, 1804 Trustees of the Town of Columbia to Charles Hays, [no values listed]; Lot Nos. 8, 9, and 18 in the Town of Columbia, Adair Co., Ky. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book A, page169-173]

Jul 26, 1804 William Hays and Polly Gragg; minister William King; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,107]

Jan 20, 1807 John Hays and Betsey Wingfield; minister Benjamin Brughes; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,106]

Mar 25, 1808 Charles and Mary Hays to William Caldwell, all of Adair Co., Ky, for $51, four lots of 1/2 acre each, lots 6, 7, 15, and 16 in the town of Columbia, Adair Co., Ky [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book B, pages 184-5]

1808 John Hays died. widow Anne —; children: Michael, John, Andrew, Campbell [hrcv,492 ] son of Andrew Hays and Prudence Campbell

Sept 19, 1809 Andrew Hays and Sarah Mims; minister John Montgomery; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,106]

Feb. 6, 1810 Charles Hays died Columbia, Adair Co., Ky. [rcmmr,122] son of Andrew Hays and Prudence Campbell; husband of Mary Campbell Walker

1810 Will of Charles Hays dated Nov 26, 1802, mentions wife Mary, negro woman Dolly, negro man Peter. [Adair County Ky. Will Book A p 211-12]

August, 1810 Hays vs Hays — O.S. 187; N.S. 66. Complainants are, viz: David Orestes King Hays and Mary Hays, infant childern of David Hays, deceased, by Robert Montgomery, their grandfather. Defendants are, viz: Andrew Hays, executor of John Hays, deceased; Michael, John, Campbell and James Hays. Complainants are children of David Hays who was son of Andrew Hays, who died March 1786, in Rockbridge, testate. About 1795 orator’s father went to live with his brother Joseph Hays, at Abington in Washington County, where he lived until 1804, when he removed to Nashville, Tenn., where he died, 1806, intestate and without property. He did not come of age until May, 1797. John Hays died at the close of the year 1808, testate, leaving Andrew, Michael, John and Campbell Hays, his children and devisees, and Anne Hays, his widow, has died intestate. Deed 5th May 1800, by Joseph and David Hays of Washington County, by James Hays of Rockbridge. Conveys Stone House plantation in Rockbridge. Will of John Hays of Rockbridge. Son Michael (land in Ohio); wife, Anne; sons Andrew, John, Campbell. Dated 29th May 1808. Recorded in Rockbridge, 2d January, 1809. Will of Andrew Hays of Rockbridge, dated 9th February, 1786. Eldest son, John Hays; sons James and Charles; daughters Prudence Brownlee, Mary Hayes; sons Joseph and David (infants). Recorded in Rockbridge 2d May 1786. [csisv2]

March 3, 1811 Mary Hays died Columbia, Adair Co., Ky.; dau. of Joseph Walker and Nancy McClung; and widow of Charles Hays

May 1812, the estates of Charles Hays (died 1810) and his widow Mary Hays (died 1811) inventoried. [Adair County, Kentucky Will Book B p 49 – 56]

Jun 18, 1812 Morris Lloyd of Augusta Co., Va. to James Hays of Adair Co., Ky.; for $1 (one dollar), 400 acres on east fork of Crocus creek [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book C, pages 269-70]

Oct 19, 1812 Andrew Hays, exec for Charles Hays, decd, to William Caldwell for $1600, six slaves to wit: Peter age 31, Dolly age 36, Susannah age 13, Bob age 11, Fanny age 8, Maria age 6; witnesses Isaac Caldwell, Lewis Lampton. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book C, pages 240-41]

Dec 6, 1813 Gabriel Hays and Patty Coffey, dau. Cleveland Coffey married Adair Co., Ky.2 by David Wells [mrack p53]

Sept 3, 1814 Andrew Hays’ siblings acknowledge Oct 19, 1812 sale of slaves: Joseph Hays, John Hays, Charles Hays, Mary M (Polly) Hays, and James Hays. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book C, pages 429-30]

1815 Hays, Charles C. –third lieutenant; [Rockbridge Co., Va. ??]

Mar 9, 1815 Gabrel Hays of Adair Co., to Sammuel P Walkup of Mercer Co, both of Ky., for $268, 67 acres on Greasy Creek in Adair Co. witnesses William Lain and John C Hayes. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book D, pages 199-200] (also see C,185; C,245; C,513; and F,355 for more deeds of Gabriel’s)

July 26, 1815 James J Hays, moving away, appoints power of attorney to William P. Montgomery (also states military related land claim) [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book C, pages 521-22]

July 26, 1815 Andrew E. Hays, moving away, appoints power of attorney to William Pitt Montgomery (also states military related land claim) [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book C, page 525]

Jan 12, 1816 Nathan Hays and Betsey Powell dau John Powell, married Adair Co., Ky., attest Newton Coffey [mrack p53]

Aug 1, 1816 Joseph Hays inventory; appraisers: John Hamilton, James T. Turnstall, Buford Allen, Clabourn Hays [aekw]

Oct 22, 1816 Charles Hays and Polly Walker married Adair Co., Ky., by Robertson [mrack p53] son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker; Polly Walker is Mary Blair Walker; they were cousins.

1817 mention of Hays, Andrew, attorney in Rockbridge. [hrcv, ?]

Feb 24, 1817 James Hays to Prudence Deacon, both of Adair Co., Ky, for $500, 365 acres on the East Fork of Rapello Creek, Adair Co., Ky. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book D, pages 269-71]

Feb 2, 1819 Benjamin Lampton and Mary M. Hays married Adair Co., Ky. by S. Robertson [mrack p67] she dau of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker

Oct. 15, 1819 James W. Hays died. [gdjwws,495] son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker

Aug., 1820 Andrew Hays died. [gdjwws,495] in Adair Co., Ky.; son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker; Andrew had sons James and Jacob.

Sept 5, 1820 James McCroskey and Sally Hays married Adair Co., Ky.[mrack p73] she dau. of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker

Aug 26, 1822 James and Prudence Duncan to James J. Hays, for $1 (“for one dollar dollars”), 245 acres on Crocus Creek, 45 acres adjoining, 3 acres adjoining in Adair Co., Ky.; witnesses Hiram Rowe and James Rowe. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book F pages 464-6]

Aug 14, 1823 Leonard Hays and Sally Mitchell; minister Francis McFarland; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,106]

Oct 9, 1823 James J Hays and Sally Rowe dau. William Rowe married Adair Co., Ky.by Taylor [mrack p53]

Feb 7, 1824 Joseph and Catherine Walker to George C. Hays, all of Adair Co., Ky., for $535, 53.5 acres on Petits Fork of Rapello Creek, Adair Co., Ky. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book F, pages 60-63]

Mar 8, 1824 Jonathan C. and Martha D. Cownover to George C. Hays, all of Adair Co., Ky., for $790 on Petits Fork of Rapello Creek, Adair Co., Ky including Saw and grist mill. [total acreage not stated]. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book F, pages 59-60]

Apr 5, 1824 David Hays and Nancy Ware; free persons of color , minister John Hendren; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,106]

Aug 10, 1824 James J Hays to James Duncan, for $800, deed for 240 acres on Crocus Creek, Adair Co., Ky. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book F, pages 158-60]

Dec 28, 1824 George Campbell Hays, Jr. and Sarah Dillard Collins married in Clark Co., Kentucky ; she was the daughter of Dillard Collins and Sarah Montague (Duncan) Collins [rcmmr,122] Dec 28, 1824 George C. Hays and Sarah D. Collins married Adair Co., Ky., attest Joseph Walker [mrack p53]

Jul 26, 1825 Michael Hays and Mary Knowls; minister Josiah Cole; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,107]

Dec 4, 1826 James Hays, infant orphan of Andrew Hays, decd, indentured to James McCrasky to the age of 21. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book F, pages 611-2] James McCroskey married Sally Hays, aunt of James Hays

Dec 4, 1826 Jacob Hays, infant orphan of Andrew Hays, decd, indentured to James McCrasky to the age of 21. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book F, pages 612-3] James McCroskey married Sally Hays, aunt of Jacob Hays

Sept 25, 1828 George Campbell Hays Jr. born Monroe, Overton Co., Tenn.; son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins. [fb]

Nov 21, 1828 George C and Sarah Hays of Overton Co., Tenn. to Joseph G. Walker of Adair Co., Ky; for $500; 103.5 acres on Petits fork, Rapello creek in Adair Co., Ky. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book G, pages 272-73]

Feb 12, 1830 Charles Dillard Hays born Monroe, Overton Co., Tenn.; son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

Oct 21, 1830 G.C. and Sarah Hays of Overton Co., Tenn. to Charles Hays of Adair Co., Ky; for $500, half of Lot number 69 in the town of Columbia, Adair Co., Ky. [Adair Co., Kentucky Deed Book H, pages 1 and 2]

Jun 31 1831 [sic] Jane Hays and Thomas Kirkpatrick; minister William Calhoon; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,306]

Aug 21, 1832 Ann Elizabeth Hays, born Monroe, Overton Co., Tenn., dau. of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

1832 Jane Hays born; [“Jane Hays West 1832-1881; Daniel Buckles West 1826-1907” buried Big Creek Cemetery, Rensselaer, Ralls Co., Mo.]

1835 George C. Hays, Jr., merchant, born Overton County, Tenn., settled Ralls Co. Missouri; lived in New London (city). [Ralls Co. Atlas Patrons of 1878, from RCM&SEC page 86] Geo. C. Hays, Jr, dealer in Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Notions, Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, etc., etc, which I sell cheap for cash or produce. Call and see my stock of Goods, and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. [1878 Atlas of Ralls Co. Missouri.]

Apr 11 1835 Andrew Collins Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo., son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

Apr 26, 1837 James Willis Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo., son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

Oct 27, 1838 Edgar Clinton Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo.; son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

Nov 18, 1838 Reason Hays son of Nathan Hays and Sally Grant dau Michael Grant married Adair Co., Ky. [mrack p53]

May 23, 1839 John Hays and Jane Grant married Adair Co., Ky., attest John Loy [mrack p53]

Jun 16, 1841 William Hays and Rachel Strong; minister John C. Hensell; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,107]

July, 1841 Sallie Hays, dau. of Charles Hays and Mary C. Walker, died. [gdjwws,496] (did she marry James McCroskey and live in Adair Co., Ky?)

March, 1842 Mary Margaret/Polly (Hays) Lampton, dau. of Charles and Mary C. Walker Hays, died. [gdjwws,495] Monroe Co., Mo??

July 20, 1843 Uriel Clay Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo.; son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

Dec. 21, 1843 James A[ndrew] H[ays] Lampton and Margaret Glascock, married A/557 (His 1st wife.) [rcmmr,39]; he son of Mary Margaret “Polly” Hays and Benjamin Lampton

Nov 17, 1845 Harriet G. Hays and John Crobarger; min – T.T. Castleman; married Augusta Co., Va. [acm,306]

Aug 4, 1846 John Briscoe married Martha Ann Hays in Ralls Co., Mo.; Walter McQuie (or McQuine), Bapt. MBB [mrrcm,28]

Feb., 25, 1847 John Hays died [gdjwws,495] son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker.

Mar 22, 1849 John Hays married Rebecca Long married in Ralls Co., Mo., PM Pinkard (Pinckard), ME so. MBB [mrrcm,31]

April 11, 1849.James Willis Hays died New London, Ralls Co., Mo. Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts] son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

April 24, 1849 James W. Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo., son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

Oct 3, 1849 James W. Hays died New London, Ralls Co., Mo. Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts] son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

May 21, 1850 Charles F[enton] Clayton married Ann Elizabeth Hays in Ralls Co., Mo., guardian of the bride consenting, William Hurly, Min MBB [mrrcm,33] & [rcmmr,13] dau. of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

Aug 31, 1852 Mary Blair (Walker) Hays died in Macomb, Ill.; wife of Charles Hays.

Oct 9, 1852 William H. Hays married Mrs Mirian Parsons in Ralls Co., Mo. [rcmmr,14] (W. H. Hays was born in Franklin Co., Pa.)

Mar 15, 1853 Charles Hays married Sarah E. Wilson in Macomb, Ill. as his second wife

Mar 22, 1854 John Howell married Ara Canta Hays; all of Clay twp. Ralls Co., Mo. James S Dimmitt, JP MBB [mrrcm,39]

Oct 24, 1854 George C Hays, Jun married Mary Jane Wise in Ralls Co., Mo.; Winthrop H Hopson, Chr. Church MBB [mrrcm,40] (B #1011 – I do hereby certify that on the 24th of Oct. 1854 A.D. In the County of Ralls and State of Missouri I solemnized the rights of Matrimony between George C. Hays Jun. and Mary Jane Wise. W.H.. Hopson an Ordained Minister of the Christian Church. Filed for record and recorded Feb 22nd, 1855.) [rcmmr,32] son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins; dau of Thomas Jefferson Wise and Mariah Jane Briggs

March 6, 1856 James William Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [fb], son of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise

Oct 15, 1857 Andrew Hays married Laura Lancaster in Ralls Co., Mo.; John H Keach, Min MBB [mrrcm,43] son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

Dec 24, 1857 Anna Marie Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [fb], dau. of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise

Sept 12, 1859, Charles Dillard Hays died New London, Ralls Co., Mo. Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts] son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

Oct 14, 1859 Will of Charles Dillard Hays probated; will dated Sept 11, 1859, mentions father George C Hays Senr; sister Anne E Clayton; brothers Andrew C Hays, Edgar C Hays, Uriel C Hays and George C Hays Junior; witnesses: Saml. K Caldwell, Saml. Smith, Saml. A Jackson. [copied from will packet #1356, Probate Court, Ralls County Missouri]

Nov. 11, 1859 Sarah Campbell Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [fb], dau. of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise

Dec. 7, 1861 James William Hays died New London, Ralls Co., Mo.[fb], son of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise; buried Barkley Cemetery, New London [ts].

March 1, 1863 Mary Margaret Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [fb] dau. of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise

Jan 5, 1865 Uriel C Hays married Lucy M Tutt in Ralls Co., Mo.; SB Wilkes, Min MBB [mrrcm,52] son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

May 20, 1865 George Edgar Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [fb] son of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise

May 9, 1869 Charles Thomas Hays born New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [fb], son of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise

May 10, 1869 Sarah Dillard (Collins) Hays, wife of George Campbell Hays, Sr. died New London, Ralls Co., Missouri. [fb] Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts]

May 20, 1869 Dr. Edgar Clinton Hays married Margaret M. Harrison, daughter of Judge W.P. Harrison, of Hannibal [HMCM p 953-4] son of George Campbell Hays Sr. and Sarah Dillard Collins.

1870 Ralls Co., Mo. Spencer Twp New London P.O. 01 Aug 1870 296/263 Hays, George, 42 male dry goods merchant $600 $2500 Tenn. Mary 38 f keeping house Mo Anna 12 f in school Mo Cammie 10 f in school Mo Margaret 7 f Mo George 4 m Mo Thomas 2 m Mo Call, Isham 14 male black laborer Mo King, Bellie female black domestic servant Mo

Sept 21, 1870 Charles Hays, son of Charles and Mary C. Walker Hays, died in Macomb, Ill. [gdjwws,495]

May 1874 Joseph Hays (son of Charles Hays and Mary Campbell Walker) died in Lee Co., Iowa. [St Louis Christian Advocate, 8 July 1874, cited in Missouri Obituaries July 1872- Dec 1874 Vol 2,101]

Nov 13, 1878 Sarah Campbell “Cammie” Hays, dau. of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise, married Dr. Thomas Jefferson Downing; by Elder L.W. Welsh on Wednesday 2 o’clock P.M. [fb]

1880 Ralls Co., Mo. Spencer Twp Village of New London 02 Jun 1880 40/41 Hays, Geo. C. Jr, white male, 52 merchant Tn, Va, Ky Mary J w f 48 housekeeper Mo Ky Ky Annie M w f 21 dau Mo Tn Ky Mary M w f 16 dau Mo Tn Mo George E w m 15 son clerk Mo Tn Mo Charles F w m 11 son at home Mo Tn Mo Downing Sarah C w f 19 dau Mo Tn Mo Thomas J w m 25 son-i-law Mo Va Va Hays Geo C Sr w m 86 father (widowed) Va Va Va King, Low black female 18 servant Mo Mo Mo

Oct. 14, 1880 George Campbell Hays, Sr. died. [gdjwws,496] Sunday morning 7.30 age 86 years 7 months 3 days [fb] Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts]

Nov 12, 1880 will of George Campbell Hays, Senior probated; will dated May 4, 1871; mentions: sons George C. Hays Jun.; Andrew C. Hays; Edgar C. Hays; U. C. Hays; daughter, Annie E. Clayton, wife of Charles F. Clayton ; witnesses: John Ralls and James W. Lear [Probate Court, New London, Ralls County, Missouri will packet # 644 and Will Record Book C., pages 165-6-7]

Dec. 19, 1882 Mary Margaret “Maggie” Hays, dau. of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise, married Reuben Finnell Roy in New London, Mo.; at the Christian Church in New London, Mo. at eight o’clock P.M., by Elder W. H. Hopson. [fb]

July 12, 1883 Dr. Charles Fenton Clayton, husband of Anne Elizabeth Hays, died.

April 24, 1884 Anna Maria Hays married Samuel J. Downing; Thursday, 8 o’clock A.M., by J.J. Cathcart. [fb] , dau. of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise

Nov. 11, 1891 George Edgar Hays, son of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise, married Fannie Jessie Ogle, dau of Hugh William Ogle and Amanda S. Miller.

April 18, 1893 Samuel C. Downing, husband of Anna Maria Hays died.

July 6, 1893 Mary Nell Hays born Spaulding, Ralls Co., Mo.;, dau. of George Edgar Hays and Fannie Jessie Ogle

Aug 8, 1895 William Ogle Hays born Spaulding, Ralls Co., Mo.; son of George Edgar Hays and Fannie Jessie Ogle

Jan 6, 1897 George Edgar Hays, Jr. born Spaulding, Ralls Co., Mo.; son of George Edgar Hays and Fannie Jessie Ogle

May 27, 1897 Charles Thomas Hays married Sarah Margaret Brashears. He son of George Campbell Hays Jr. and Mary Jane Wise

Dec 14, 1897 Mary Nell Hays died Rensselaer, Ralls Co., Mo., dau. of George Edgar Hays and Fannie Jessie Ogle; buried Big Creek Cemetery, Rensselaer, Ralls Co., Mo in unmarked grave.

May 21, 1898 George Edgar Hays, Jr. died Rensselaer, Ralls Co., Mo., son of George Edgar Hays and Fannie Jessie Ogle; buried Big Creek Cemetery, Rensselaer, Ralls Co., Mo in unmarked grave.

1898 Lucy M. (Tutt) Hays, wife of Uriel Clay Hays, died. Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts]

July 20, 1907 George Campbell Hays Jr. died New London, Ralls Co., Mo. “He was 78 years 9 months and 25 days old.” [fb] Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts]

1908 Andrew Collins Hays, husband of Laura Lancaster, died.

Mar 24 1913 Charles T. Hays Jr born

1917 Uriel Clay Hays, husband of Lucy M. Tutt, died. Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts]

28 Dec 1919 William Ogle Hays, son of Geo. Edgar Hays and Fannie Jessie Ogle, married Della Edith Myers in Ralls Co., Mo

Sept. 12, 1920 Mary Jane (Wise) Hays died at New London, Ralls Co., Mo.[rcmmr,122 page 438 ] Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts]

April 22, 1922 Will of Mary Jane (Wise) Hays probated; will dated September 7th, 1905; mentions: husband, George C. Hays; daughters: Annie M. Wood, Margaret M. Roy, and Cammie Downing; sons, George E. Hays and Charles T. Hays; witnesses: J.E. Megown andBenton B. Megown. [copied from will packet 4589, Probate Court, Ralls County, Missouri]

Apr 13 1931 Charles Thomas Hays Jr died. Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts]

Feb 6, 1949 Judge C T Hays died. Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo. [ts]

Aug 1971 William Ogle Hays d. Alton, Madison o., Ill. Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo.

Feb 24, 1988 Della Edith (Myers) Hays, wife of William Ogle Hays died in Bolivar, Polk Co., Mo. Buried Barkley Cemetery, New London, Ralls Co., Mo.

1 JOHN HAYS, b. probably in Scotland m. Rebecca —?

John Hays died Augusta Co., Va Dec. 1750.

In August 1752 Rebecca disposed of her property, no further record.His will dated 25 Dec 1750, proved 26 Feb 1750/51 (Will Book 1 page 291).They were probably born in Scotland, and were probably exiled for religious reasons and fled to Ireland before emigrating to the colonies. The children may have been born either in Scotland or in Ireland. They came from Ireland and landed in Philadelphia then moved south into Virginia.On 22 May 1740, John Hays appeared in Orange Court to prove his importation, proving his rights in order to obtain land. He purchased land at the point where Maxbett’s (Moffett’s) Creek joined Walker’s (Hays) Creek and set up a grist mill. The original was built around 1740 and was probably of the primitive type known as a tubmill, but he had a fulling mill by 1741. He was also a plantationer.

=====children of John and Rebecca==(birth order uncertain)=====

2 John Hays (m Martha Thompson. ?) Had land on the Roanoke joining William Miller’s plantation.

3 dau. Rebecca. (mentioned in Gpa’s will: R., dau to son John) (w/ Martha, son Robert b. ca 1752?)

3 son John? (mentioned in Gpa’s will: nephew: John Hays, Jr.) ??or is John Jr. Andrew’s son?

2 Andrew Hays see below.

2 Charles Hays listed as “Charles Hays, Dr.” in will of Dr Thos. Wadle. m 1757 Barbara –?

3 son Charles. Charles Jr or Sr? m. before 1770 to Margaret –?

2 James Hays not ment. in father’s will. Presumed died before 1750.

3 son James. (ment. in Gpa’s will: James Hays, son to son James)

2 Robert Hays (died young?) (listed when proving importation, but not ment. in father’s will.)

2 Barbara Hays (poss. married Guinness ?) (Poss married Lusk ?)

3 (dau. Rebecca? ment. in Gpa’s will: nephew, Rebecky Guines.)

3 (son Robert? ment. in Gpa’s will: nephew, Robert Lusk.)

2 Joan (Jenette) Hays m. — Mills.

2 ANDREW HAYS born ca 1726, probably in Scotland or Ireland, m1) Prudence Campbell (daughter of Gilbert and Prudence).Prudence d. bef 1762. m2) Margaret Stephenson (dau. of John Stephenson of Augusta Co) by 1762.Margaret d. ?

Andrew d. March 1786 in Rockbridge Co., Va. Will dated 09 Feb 1786 and recorded 02 May 1786 Andrew was a plantationer, a miller, and Colonial and Rev War Soldier.

=====children of Andrew and Prudence================

3 John Hays b 02 Mar 1747 (eldest son) Augusta Co., Va. m1) Anne Christian 16 Sep 1777. m2) Ann/Nancy McCampbell/Miscampbell 29 Dec 1789 John died at the close of 1808, Rockbridge Co., Va.John’s will dated 29 May 1808 and recorded 02 Jan 1809.John lived on a farm under Jump Mtn, Rockbridge Baths, Va.; Major. Rev War Soldier. He was buried standing up, on the hillside overlooking an Indian burial circle outside of Rockbridge Baths, Va.

=====children of John and Ann==(not known which wife)=

4 Andrew Hays, a distinguished lawyer of Nashville, TN.

4 Michael C. Hays, of Ross Co., Ohio, was an officer in the US Army in 1812.,

4 John Brown Hays of Columbia, TN m. Ophelia, a sister of President Polk.

4 James Campbell Hays, of TN and TX

5 Jack Hays the Texas Ranger.

3 James Hays b. ca 1760 m. Margaret —? James d. after 10 Mar 1806, probably Adair Co., Ky.

=====children of James and Margaret================

4 Andrew

4 James

4 Mary m. Robert Piper

4 Nancy C.

3 Charles Hays b. about 1752, Augusta Co., Va. see below.

3 Prudence Hays m. John Brownlee 20 Feb 1783

=====children of Andrew and Margaret================

3 Mary Hays m. Joseph Walker 04 Sep 1789

3 Joseph Hays (under age in father’s will). Joseph lived at Abdington, Washington Co., Va. before 1797.

3 David Hays (under age in father’s will) came of age in May 1797. m. — Montgomery (daughter of Robert).  David lived with brother Joseph until 1804 then moved to Nashville, TN and died intestate and without property in 1806.

=====children of David and –?======

4 David Orestes King Hays

4 Mary Hays

3 CHARLES HAYS, b. ca 1752, Rockbridge Co., Va. m. Mary Campbell Walker in 1779 or 1780 in Rockbridge Co., Va. Charles died 06 Feb 1810 Columbia, Adair Co., Ky

Mary died Mar, 1811 Columbia, Adair Co., Ky . Estate inventories are in Adair Co, Ky Will Book B pages 49-56.

=====children of Charles and Mary=========

4 Andrew Hays born 20 Apr 1781 died Aug 1820, Adair Co., Ky

5 James “infant orphan of Andrew,” indentured 04 Dec 1826

5 Jacob “infant orphan of Andrew,” indentured 04 Dec 1826

4 Joseph Hays born 01 Apr 1783, Rockbridge Co., Va.. d. May 1874 Lee Co., Iowa (obit says “Moved to Tenn. about 1818 or 1819, then to Ky, and from there to Iowa in 1837. . . Six children, all of whom are settled in life.”)

4 John Hays born 23 Apr 1786 John died 25 Feb 1847.

4 Mary (Polly) Margaret Hays born 27 May 1788 m. Benjamin Lampton as his second wife Mary died March 1842 (Adair Co Ky or Monroe Co Mo.?)

5 James Andrew Hays Lampton was 1/2 brother of Jane (Lampton) Clemens, who was the mother of Samuel Clemens, aka “Mark Twain.”

4 Charles Hays born 29 Oct 1790 . m1) Mary Blair Walker Oct 1816 in Columbia, Adair Co., Ky. Mary died in Macomb, IL., 31 Aug 1852. m2) Sarah E. Wilson, 15 Mar 1853. Charles died 21 Sep 1870 in Macomb.  Charles studied and practiced medicine; moved to and helped found Macomb, Illinois. He was a Presbyterian elder.

4 James W. Hays born 05 Nov 1792 James died 15 Oct 1819.

4 George Campbell Hays born 07 Mar 1794 m. Sarah Dillard Collins Dec. 28, 1824 near Winchester, Clark Co., Ky George died 10 Oct 1880 in New London, Ralls Co., Mo Sarah died 10 Mar 1889 in New London, Ralls Co., Mo. .

4 Sallie Hays born 03 Feb 1796 Sallie died July 1841.

Northern Ireland – Ulster Early 1600s and English Plantations

When we last visited Northern Ireland (Scotland and Ireland and European Politics) Queen Elizabeth had raised an army to quell the rebellion of the Irish Lords and by1603 the Irish countryside had been decimated, including the English Plantations in that country. In the North of Ireland the English had employed a scorched earth policy and war and famine resulted in 10% of the population dying. The butchery was particularly oppressive in Ulster where man, woman, and child was butchered in addition to any farm animals and crops burned when not needed for the soldiers. It was a war of extermination as Irishmen were looked upon as laser men, “meer Irish” and wild beasts.  The Irish Lord O’Neil reported 70,000 supporters dead and the English lost 30,000 English and Welsh men conscripted to fight the war. The English treasury was exhausted. The Irish Lords had to vacate their Irish Titles but were allowed to keep their English Titles and the rebels were all pardoned. 

In 1603 Queen Elizabeth died without an heir and James VI of Scotland succeeded to the English Throne as James I of England, Scotland, and Ireland. James was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley and was the Great-Great Grandson of Henry VII. Upon taking the Scottish Throne in 1567 (at age one) he was controlled by regents but exerted his independence from them about 1583 and was allied with England.  Even though the Crown was united the countries of England and Scotland remained separate politically with both holding their own Parliaments. 

Scotland under James IV to James VI was actually 2 lands with the Highlands still under the Clan System and only minimally controlled by the King.  Additionally the reformation was slow to encroach on the Highlands and they remained mostly Catholic.  The view of the Scottish lowlander and Englishman alike was that the highlands, like the Irish who were also under the Clan System and Catholic, was that the population were savages.  Given the poverty of Scotland (See Scotland 1600 – Life in the Lowlands) the English viewed themselves superior to the Lowland Scots, a view that continued under James I.

Queen Elizabeth had tried to control Ireland by sending nobles to rule over estates but they would, over time, become Anglo-Irish and ended up siding with the people against England.  Next she tried “Planting” Lords and Gentry who would bring over English Settlers, in the 1560s in Leinster and Munster and in the 1570s in Ulster but they failed due to physical opposition by the displaced and multitudes of Irish in general and also due to a lack of Englishmen willing to settle their families in a hostile environment. None of Ireland was peaceful but the worst troubles were in Ulster under the Great Clan Leaders, the Earls Tyrone and Tyrconnel, who eventually had to submit after their revolt was put down by Lord Mountjoy who laid waste to Ulster causing mass starvation (to the point of cannibalism).  This was the state of England, Scotland, and Ireland that James I inherited.

Con O’Neill was an Irish Chieftain of large property holdings on the coast in Counties Down and Antrim, those being nearest to Scotland (in fair weather visible to each other) who found himself imprisoned due to “instigating rebellion against the Queen” for a drunken altercation with her soldiers over a supply of wine.  Hugh Montgomery, a Laird of Northern Ayrshire, learned of his imprisonment and hatched a plan to facilitate his escape and a pardon for half of Con O’Neill’s land. Using the Cons wife materials were smuggled into Carrickfergus Castle where he was held and his escape, and ultimately a pardon was completed.

However, King James would not ratify the assignment of the lands and the assistance of another Ayrshire Laird, James Hamilton, who had great influence with the King, was obtained by agreement each receiving one-third of O’Neills holdings if the assignment could be completed. King James knighted Con O’Neill and ratified the property agreement with the condition that the lands would be “planted with British Protestants,” and not to “any person of meer Irish extraction.” Con O’Neill then eventually out his holdings to Hamilton and Montgomery.

For those not familiar with the story of Hamilton, Montgomery, and O’Neill a more in-depth account can be found here, https://discoverulsterscots.com/history-culture/hamilton-montgomery/settlement-story.  Given the intrigue surrounding the story and it’s implications for the future settlement of Plantations not only in Northern Ireland but also North America in Virginia I can only wonder why the entire story has not been made into a full length movie, perhaps it will in the future.  For us Hays it was the beginning of the story of our migration to Ulster and then on to the American Colonies.

In 1606 Hamilton and Montgomery began importing Scots from Ayrshire which was only about a 20 to 30 mile trip. The early crop returns were so good that word travelled back to Scotland and further immigration continued. By 1614 Hamilton and Montgomery could raise 2000 fighting men which indicates a population of eight thousand Lowland Scots in under 10 years. Given the sparse land in the Lowlands of Scotland the fertile soil and plentiful harvests must have been considered a Godsend. 

Sir Arthur Chichester, English Lord Deputy for Ireland had been given grants of land in County Antrim near Belfast in1603 for his war service. He planted his properties with farmers from his home area of Devon and also Cheshire and Lancashire, all in the west of England. His Plantations prospered and southern Antrim took on an English character.  There were other moderately successful Plantations in the County of Monaghan.

Clan Hay impact on the settlements.  In my reading some years back I came across a reference to the fact that originally James I looked to try to settle primarily English but was convinced by a Sir Hay who was part of his court to extend the offers also to Lowland Scots.  With apologies for not being able to find the exact reference I did find a Sir Hay as part of James I court. Sir James Hay, son of Sir James Hay of Fingask, 2nd son of Peter Hay of Mengginch, (a branch of Hay of Leys, a younger branch of the Errol Family) was knighted by James VI of Scotland and in 1603 moved to England as part of his court. In 1612 he was a director of the Virginia Company and in 1627 he was awarded grant of all Caribbean Islands including Barbados and in 1622 he was made Earl of Carlisle, a peerage which ended with his son James who died with no issue in 1660.

Even though the Great Clan Chiefs, the Earl of Tyrone and Earl of Tyrconnell retained their English titles in 1603 the intrigue continued for control of Ulster.  Seeing the writing on the wall,  in 1607 the two Clan Chiefs fled Ireland never to return (search “Flight of the Earls” for further).  In 1608 their holdings were declared escheat to the King.  Technically, under the law, only the estates of the two Chiefs should have been seized but it was argued that as there was no private property in Ireland as all Clan lands “belonged” to the great chiefs, the sub chiefs were determined to be “tenants” with no rights to the land they controlled.  This amounted to over 3,700,000 English Acres with about half a million acres of good farm land.

James I was a proponent of colonizing proposing the creation of Plantations in both Northern Ireland and America (in 1606 approving the colony in Virginia, Jamestown, named for him which influences the Hays diaspora which will be addressed in future posts). The lowlands of Scotland suffered poverty, London was suffering from overcrowding which was suspected of contributing to outbreaks of the plague, and there was the forever present “pesky Irish problem” of the “barbarism” of the Irish. James I looked at Plantations as a solution to his many problems.

By the Kings design grants would be awarded to gentry from England and Scotland (Lowlands only), veterans of the Irish wars, the London Companies, the Established Church of Ireland, and  Trinity College in Dublin with about half of the useful available land allotted to them.  Any grant to a lord (undertaker when granted) was obliged to “plant” his estate with farmers from the 2 countries and also required to build a castle and a Bawn (stone enclosure for the protection of livestock during raids). Veterans (Servitors) were given grants but they were required to build a house instead of a castle and could take Irish Tenants. Of the remaining half 1/10th was granted to the London Companies, powerful guilds of the established companies (and the effective government) of London. 2/10ths went to the Established Church and Trinity College. 1/10th for the establishment of forts and towns and the remaining 1/10th to the Irish Gentry of good merit who could take whatever tenants they liked assuming they would hire the Irish Catholics.

A shrewd businessman James I added the title of Baronet which sat between Baron and Knight and bearing the title of Sir. For the price of 1000 Pounds they obtained a hereditary title and the right of a coat of arms bearing the bloody hand of Ulster. 205 English landowners paid the price to advance to this title bringing an impressive sum for that time to the King.  

Initially grants were directed towards English (as previously noted) but in 1609 the King, “out of his unspeikable love and tinder affectioun” for Scottish subjects decided they were allowed to participate. 79 Scots applied and 59, 5 were noblemen men and the rest gentry, were awarded grants of 81,000 acres. “Unspeikable love” aside, the King skewed the grants towards the southwest of Scotland recognizing the nearness to Ulster and the fact that interactions had been previously occurring. Also a 21 year lease on Virgin soil would attract the Scot farmer would attract away from his hard life more so than the English Gentry and farmer who were better situated in their homeland situated further away.

The Scottish undertakers attracted primarily Presbyterian Scots rendering Donegal and Tyrone Counties mostly Scot. English undertakers attracted Episcopalian Englishmen, many of them Puritans, making them a majority in Armagh and Derry Counties. Fermanagh and Cavan Counties were a mix of Scot and English. Down and Antrim had already been settled with Scots by Hamilton and Montgomery and Antrim had Chichester’s English Colonists. Monaghan County remained for the most part Irish. The London Companies brought in Tyrone County which they renamed Londonderry but the Puritans soon left due to harsh conditions and were replaced by Scots. Thus by 1610 Ulster was the home to 3 distinct peoples with different backgrounds, culture, and religion. 

The success of the Ulster Plantations was not a given.  Many undertakers were absentee landlords and their agents dishonest. Many undertakers reviewed their holdings and then returned home looking to sell them. The quality of the original tenants were low as often those first enticed to a new land are the unsuccessful in their homeland for various reasons and in spite of restrictions many hired Irish natives.  The success of the Plantations was mainly due to the Scot undertakers and the closeness of Scotland to Ulster in drawing manpower. The nearness also allowed undertakers to return to Scotland and back to Ulster to maintain control of their holdings. The Scots showed themselves to be industrious and their prospect of success was increased over that of life in Scotland. 

The Ulster tenant farmer secured a lease for anywhere from 21 years to life. And the farmer made his agreement himself with the undertaker, striking his own bargain.  And thus the feudalism of Scotland was left behind. The Scot settlers were also followed by their ministers from the Kirk of Scotland, reinforcing the reformation and unity among them. The participation in the church by the common man and the ability to stoke his own bargain made the move to Ulster one great side towards individualism.

Religious factions and their impact on government

James VI of Scotland was baptized a Catholic but was taken from his Catholic mother, Mary, Queen of Scots when she was arrested and imprisoned by Protestant Rebels in 1567. When she was deposed James VI was crowned at 13 months old and raised according to the beliefs of the Church of Scotland, the Presbyterian Kirk.  The times of his youth were tumultuous with many vying for power including his Catholic mother having escaped captivity in 1568 who was ultimately defeated in battle, fled to England, and was imprisoned by Queen Elizabeth.  James was declared an adult ruler in 1579 but remained under the influence of others. In 1582 James was taken prisoner by Protestant Earls, but ultimately liberated in 1583.

In 1582 the Church of Scotland rejected episcopal governance (by bishops) and adopted a presbyterian government (by elders).  Even though James was raised in the Church of Scotland his views on religion were influenced by his monarchy and maintaining power.  In 1584 he introduced the Black Acts placing 2 Bishops in control of the Church of Scotland, an act which was met with vigorous opposition.  When crowned King of England he increased the Scottish Bishops. In 1604 James presided over disagreements with the English Bishops and Puritan looking to reform the Anglican Church and when the Puritans demanded reform of the Episcopacy James responded “no Bishops, no King” as he believed in Apostolic Succession supporting the Divine Right of Kings.      

The religious factions vying for power were Irish Catholics, Scottish Highland Catholics, Catholics remaining in Scotland and England.  The Church of England, an episcopal organization but with Puritan members looking to reform it. The Church of Ireland, also Episcopal but with many Puritans in its organization, and the Church of Scotland which was Presbyterian but had Bishops placed to attempt to control it.  The level of animosity between religions is evident in The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 where English Roman Catholics planned to blow up Parliament and King James with 20 barrels of gunpowder in secreted in a room below, the plot foiled when a conspirator warned his brother in law not to attend that day. 

In 1610 Scotland began moving from a Feudal System where a family worked the same land for generations to a “Feu,” a fixed rent system with no obligation in service.  A fixed fee allowed the lairds to out bid farmers who had been on the land for generations forcing them into sub tenants or hired labor. The loss of status had many leaving Scotland for Ulster.  Over 30 year following it is estimated that at least 40,000 Scots left for Ulster.

The migration of farmers and their families also brought the migration of Presbyterian Ministers.  In 1618 James enacted Five Articles of Episcopalian practices which were widely boycotted in Scotland and which had non conforming ministers imprisoned or banished.  Many of these took the trip to Ulster where the Church of Ireland, although Episcopal, operated closer to the Presbyterian model due to Puritan influence.  This had the effect of making the Protestant Church of Ireland undivided and including Episcopal, Puritan, and Presbyter alike. The people responded to the religious teachings and many gatherings resulted in overflowed churches and many outdoor revivals began to occur.  

James elder son died in 1612 leaving his second son, Prince Charles, as heir.  James died in 1625 leaving Charles I as King of England, Scotland, and Ireland and also the colonies in the Americas. And the rein of Charles I is where we will pick up the story of the history of the Hays and the Presbyterian Scots, generations turning into Presbyterian Ulster Scots, who were their kith and kin in their diaspora.


The Scotch-iris: A Social History by James G. Leyburn, 1962 University of North Carolina Press, can be borrowed at https://archive.org/details/scotchirishsocia0000leyb_a5e7/page/124/mode/2up

The Scotch-Irish or The Scot in North Britain, North Ireland, and North America by Charles A. Hanna, 1902 G.P. Putnam and Sons, NY and London available for download at Internet Archive, https://archive.org 

The Scot in Ulster: Sketch of the History of the Scottish Population of Ulster by John Harrison, MDCCCLXXXVIII, William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburg and London, available for download at Internet Archive, https://archive.org 

The Ulster Scot: His History and Religion by Rev. James Barley Woodburn MA, H.R. Allenson LTD, London available for download at Internet Archive, https://archive.org 

Scotland 1600 – Life in the Lowlands

I must admit that when I first learned of my “Hays” connection to Clan Hay and the Earl of Errol that I bought highland music CD’s (search CD on the internet kids), including some in Gaelic, and even ordered up a complete Prince Charlie with the intent to attend the Scottish Highland games in my area as I was “Scottish”.  Alas I was to learn that if I transported back in time and showed up with my ancestors in 1500’s Scotland wearing a Kilt and speaking Gaelic I would certainly be killed as a raider from the north looking to steal cattle. My ancestor then most likely spoke Scots and dressed in wool or animal skin clothing. 

I had no sense of my ancestry beyond my father, a depression era dust bowl “Okie” who migrated to California, as in the Grapes of Wrath diaspora, and it was only when I did a deep dive into my genealogy (including DNA) that I learned of my American Pioneer Ancestors, arriving in this new world from the lowlands of Scotland with a couple or more generation stop in Northern Ireland. While I have not researched the line beyond the 1700s in America there are general circumstances applied to all the migrators of that era and location which tell us why they came to America.

It has been speculated, based upon DNA, that my ancestry came to Scotland with the Norman invasion and there intermingled with the Anglo-Saxons, most likely in Bernicia which was the northern part of Northumbria which is present day southeast Scotland (south of Edinburg).  There were multiple cadet houses and Hay holdings throughout Scotland and the specific area my line is from has not been determined.  Additionally after hundreds of years in Scotland we migrated to Ulster with other Presbyterians and the formation of the plantations in Northern Ireland in the 1600s at some point.  

So the questions that comes to my mind is why did my ancestors migrate from Scotland to Northern Ireland in the 1600s and then on to America in the early 1700s?  Economic reasons? Religious persecution?  War or famine?  What was their life like and how did they live?  Most historical writings are based upon the aristocracy or church with only passing mention of the daily lives of the common man.  I did find one specific source, “The Scotch-Irish: A Social History” by James G. Leyburn, University of North Carolina Press, 1962.  My writings here are based greatly on that and also by multiple readings of other works, although I found this one, unlike many which focus on the ruling establishment and major historical events, to speak to the every day life and times of the common man of which my ancestors came from.  It can be borrowed from the libraries at archive.org at https://archive.org/details/scotchirishsocia0000leyb/page/n5/mode/2up.  

The Scotch-Irish: A Social History by James G. Leyburn

Given my ancestors came to America as farmers I highly suspected that they were farmers in Ulster and Scotland, part of the peasant class.  While the term peasant is often given a negative connotation it actually means a tiller of the soil, or a farmer (not to be confused with serf which was an economic slave tied to a feudal landowner).  While the social hierarchy was Lords (Nobility with title), Gentry and Lairds (landowners) and Burghers (well off Merchants), then tenants (peasants) each had a responsibility to the others in the feudal system. The Lord was expected to provide protection for all those under him and in return they were bound to provide military service to the nobleman. The tenant paid rent to the Laird (or the Lords agent) and was given a lease on specific lands.  In daily life and business, and especially when on a campaign, they would have been in close contact with each other.

Prior to the reformation few could read or write and this included most nobles.  The only  education was in schools taught in Latin which was to prepare them for a life as Clergy in the Catholic Church. After the Reformation Noble, Gentry, and Peasant alike sent their children to the same Presbyterian School, if available, and it was based upon merit which should continue on to University.  This common purpose to advance a common religion would have brought the adherents even closer regardless of class.  Even though there were distinct classes they interacted freely, often, and without airs. 

As an example of the unity, “An Old Kirk Chronicle: being a history of Auldhame, Tyninghame, and Whitekirk in East Lothian by Rev. P. Lately Waddell, B.D., Minister of the united parish; author of “the Gospel of the Kingdom” published by William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburg and London, MDCCXCIII [(M=1000+D=500+CC=200=1700+(XC=100-10=90)+III=3 which is 1793 if my Roman math and internet search is correct] pg. 107 states;

“ Mariche 18, 1638.  the said day the minister product the Covenant to the session, and red the same before them. … All the men of the parish, gentle, for the moment solemnized and brought face to face with ‘the great name of the Lord their God,’ write their names below the glowing words,…  Lauders and Cunninghames, Jacksons and Ewarts, Kers and Hays, for one day at least lifted above their common toil and out of their jealousies and strife, exalted with a new enthusiasm and bound together by the sacred pledge.”     

While not all Hays were covenanters most at that period i suspect were Presbyterian, the official religion of Scotland, as were their Lords and Lairds and as such a sense of community was strengthened.  

That said, the Tenant Farmers were free to move about as leases expired and changed and they were not bound to a specific Lord as they are in a Clan or strict Feudal System (serf)  except when on his holdings.  Shortages of labor, especially for labor of the correct religion or loyalty allowed the Peasant some flexibility in moving about as leases expired, although kith and kin still provided the best opportunity for the best lease.  Scotland of pre 1600 was mostly isolated from England and France in markets and trade and any agricultural advancements were isolated from them also.  Agricultural production was low, at barely above the subsistence level and as such no industry or trade centers formed of any size and the Burghs in Scotland, unlike the Boroughs in England, traded mostly locally produced goods.

The tenants were broken down into the Kindly (lands to one tenant) or Joint Tenant which was multiple families together forming a Plowgate.  A Plowgate was made up of at least 8 oxen which were needed to pull a single plow.  Kindly and Joint Tenants would rent to a Subtenant who was given a “tack”, a small piece of land on which to place a shack and a garden.  Lairds would usually rent to relatives thus preserving the best parcels for the extended family.  Leases were broken into an infield and outfield with the infield broken into separate strips, a “run-rig” leased by lot every few years the payment a percentage of the crops and eggs and fowl to the big house.  The outfield, usually about six times larger than the infield, was similarly divided.  The frequent changing of lands provided no incentives to improve it.

Oats and Barley were the staples and the outfield would be planted with oats until the soil was poor and then weeds would overcome the field and it would be used for grazing of cattle.  There were no fences or stone walls dividing the land and as such cattle and horses grazing crops was a problem and cause for conflict among neighbors.  Oat cakes were the common staple, a mixture of oats and water fried on a flat skillet and oatmeal, greens, and homemade beer and ale rounded out the diet with a piece of mutton or other meat occasionally if an animal died. 

Having been almost continually at war with England, and in between suffering raiding by opposing Scottish Feudal Estates, English Estates to the south and Highland Clans to the north and west, the lowlands of Scotland were decimated.  There existed nary a tree, the bogs and wetlands were undrained due to no knowledge of current agricultural practices.  There were no fences or stone walls defining holdings and cattle wandered with trespass upon others holdings and plantings. 

People wore animal skins and wool clothes and a cap, many going barefoot or wearing rudimentary leather shoes but most wearing wool clothing.  Huts were built of stone with no mortar so mud and straw was stuffed into the cracks against the cold. They had thatched roofs with a hole in the center to allow smoke from the cook fire to escape.  They had earthen floors, rocks for chairs, and people slept on one side of the hut on thatch or heather beds on the ground and the animals were tethered on the other side of the hut. While rudimentary they could easily be rebuilt after being destroyed during a raid or war.  Personal cleanliness was not yet a virtue and it was considered bad luck to clean a butter churn so hair, human or animal, was common in the butter.   Vermin were common, the huts dirty and stunk, breeding a lot of illness.  

Plows were made of wood and it took 8-12 animals to pull it and required the manpower of all available men within the plow gate. The plow made a shallow rut and not a furrow and they could plow about 1/2 an acre a day.  They used straw harnesses and rope made from hair, harrows were made of wood or even branches tied together.  Crop production was at the mercy of drought, heavy rains, flood, poor soils, and frosts in addition to loss from conflicts.  Ill fed milk cows produced only 2 pints a day and when winter supplies ran low they would bleed the cows to make blood-meal.  In spring everyone participated in “the lifting” as weak undernourished cows and horses had to be lifted onto their feet to get to the grazing fields.

They lived at, or barely above, a subsistence level so in most years there was enough to eat and a small excess to trade which would be at the fair in the burgh.  The entire family would attend to escape the day to day drudgery of work. Farmers sold wool, cattle, and horses.  Merchants sold the wares of tinsmiths, coopers, shoemakers, and haberdashers (clothing and sewing supplies).  Salt was a required commodity for preserving meats, iron (in a good year) and fish were also traded for. Scotland lacked industry and everyday items and arms were imported such as armor, spears, bows and arrows, cart wheels, and wheelbarrows. 

Given their subsistence lifestyle there is no indication the nature of people was depressed.  They enjoyed the fair which included Drambooths offering whiskey, shooting galleries, boxing booths, swings, and sideshows. Localities had their local singers, harpists, and pipe players.  Yule, Easter, and Saints Days were celebrated until the Reformation and the church looking down on such events.  

Boys were married when they could do a man’s work and was able to bear arms often as young as 14.  Girls were married when she was nubile, often as young as 12, a necessity with a life expectancy in the early 30’s.  Neighbors were expected to provide a feast at the ceremony and essentials for setting up a household. Weddings were festive with feasting, dancing, and ribaldry although the Kirk attempted to change the wedding practices.  Women attended to the duties of house and children but also were expected to labor in the field, especially when the men were called away to war.

Men were bound to serve 40 days in service of the lord for war.  Eager to go they were equally eager to get back home and many would after a week or two regardless if the war was over or not.  When called to war the men brought their own weapons, wooden pike or spear, an axe or a short sword, a knife, and a targe (a small round wooded shield covered with animal skin).  They carried a small metal plate and would use it to cook their oat cakes with the meal including any animals plundered in the march.  War, raiding, and defending against raids fostered an adventurous spirit and many younger sons of the gentry and farming class sought their fortunes in other countries in wars or in merchandise.

The peasant of Scotland lacked the humility of others in England and Western Europe as the system was reliant on loyalty to a laird or lord who proved his quality as a man and had earned the loyalty.  Justice, and the responsibility for life and goods in his domain, was the responsibility of the lord and thus it was a system of men and not laws.  Within this system a tenant versus tenant dispute assured a reasonable chance at a fair hearing and resolution of the dispute.  Smaller claims were heard by the laird and higher by the lord but in most instances justice was delivered at the hand of the offended.  The phrase might makes right applies to the times. Hundreds of years later the Clan feuds of rural America trace back to Scotland.

Scotland was changed greatly by the Reformation which in Scotland was generally a peaceful affair (for the times) with the people won over to the ideals of Presbyterianism.  It introduced a measure of democracy in church governance, fostered a community belief in morality (enforced by the Kirk), and introduced rudimentary education to the masses so they may themselves search the word of the bible.  Saints Days celebrations were replaced with attendance at inordinately long sermons and attending to religious beliefs and practices.  The failing of the official church was the failing of all official churches in that they looked to dismiss all others although unlike other religions Presbyterians only fined and imprisoned non converts in lieu of death. 

1600s Scotland lacked the rule of law, science, industry, and trade.  The Renaissance was late in coming and the Scot, lord. laird, and peasant alike lived in a hostile environment with few years passed where there was not war.  They often held the same surname and were bound together by loyalty but were loyal where loyalty was earned.  They were devoutly religious and loyal to the Kirk and Presbyterianism and active participants in religious education and affairs of the church and this fostered morality, dignity and worth of all people, self discipline and a disciplined society, and the individual being of primary importance as a moral self created a moral society.

Any current study of the Scot-Irish “race” and attempts to apply attributes based upon the race  (as DNA research shows us) is erroneous at best.  The lowland Scot was a genetic product of multiple introductions of tribes over time; Gaels (Celts), Bretons (Celts), Angles (Germanic), Saxon (Germanic), Scots (Celtic via Ireland), Picts (unknown), Norse (Vikings and Danes), Normans (historically Viking), and others.  The genetic mix is different for each village, clan, and individual and so to assign a trait to a class of people based upon genetics is bound to fail.  IMHO, the nature versus nurture debate lies more so with the nurture and the environment brought up in.

That said the Scot of the lowland of this time was described as Stoic and Dour. It is often attributed to race or religion IMHO it is the times in which they lived which made such a hardy, stern, and bold people who could endure hardship which was upon their doorstep daily. The hierarchy of the Presbyterian Church, the Kirk, was such that the people were involved in the church and many were devout worshippers often willing to lose their life or freedom before denying their beliefs which added to their dour nature and loyalty to one another.  The Presbyterian lowland Scot was formed by isolation of country, turbulent affairs, and poverty but was not a subjugated individual.   

To assign generalities to the “Scot-Irish” also ignores the social status upon migration, time of migration, and the cause of the migration (persecution, famine, war, etc.). Whether young single men searching for fame and fortune or entire families and communities relocating two conditions need to be present to foster migration, hard times in your current location and the perception of better opportunities where you are going. Hard times existed in the lowlands of Scotland and given the opportunities to farm in Northern Ireland it is understandable that many would look to relocate there in the 1600s, my ancestors among them.      

Next up, Ulster Scot Presbyterians in Northern Ireland in the 1600s. 

“Cousin” News

I received an email from K.H., wife of C.H.  She advised her husbands line traced back to Joseph Hays b. 1782 in New Jersey.  C.H.’s R-BY96883 closely aligned with other Hays’ in Augusta County, VA.  Her question was that his DNA doesn’t seem close to mine and was wondering if we are of the same family at all? 

As she provided his Y deviations I compared them with mine and the first match was R-L151.  My original search revealed that R-L151 occurred years ago and shows it originating in the Corded Ware Society of Western Europe 3000-3500 BC.  Subsequently I found this site, https://indo-european.eu/2021/08/r1b-rich-earliest-corded-ware-a-yamnaya-related-vector-of-indo-european-languages/ with links to the original study it is reporting on, states that R-L151 is the most common Y-lineage among early Corded Ware males.  It originated west of Bohemia near the Rhine River. For anyone looking to do a deep dive into their DNA I suggest this site, https://indo-european.eu

“Greetings Cousin, a way back one,” is how I started my reply.  It was a short 4 paragraph response outlining that we shared a common grandfather, a founder of our patrilineal line, about 3000 years ago (an error as it was 3000 BC) explaining the far split in the DNA.  Testing at the Big-Y level on Family Tree DNA shows 11 deviations for me based on SNP’s tested.  Using an estimate life span of 50 years there are 60 generations in 3000 years.  Y-DNA Haplogroups are explained here, https://www.geni.com/projects/Y-DNA-haplogroups/3717#haplogroups.

The Corded Ware society was well established across Bohemia and the East European Forest Steppe area.  The Corded Ware Era was, as was the following eras after it, a very violent time.  DNA indicates migrations resulted in Y-DNA dispersal into local populations and it is believed that genocide of males in a conquered tribe allowed the Y-DNA of the conquerors to spread.  This continued into the middle ages.  It has been proposed that the R-U152 appeared in the Hallstatt Culture in the early Iron Age around 800 BC near the Italian Alps.  

K.H was unsure if Joseph Hays from New Jersey was a Presbyterian but he moved with his parents to Washington County, PA in 1792.  The only evidence to link C.H. and myself is a common spelling of our last name, a 5000 year old DNA match, and the century and location of migration to the America.  It is the name and locations which provide the best indications.  Joseph H. was born in NJ one year before the Revolutionary War ended.  It is quite possible they relocated to N.J. due to the war, either to escape warfare on the settlement fronts or because Joseph’s father was fighting on the side of the Revolutionaries and brought his wife along for safety so as to not leave her alone (common practice).

Settlement in Washington County, PA would have been dangerous as that was the front line of settlements with the Indians at the time.  Western PA was ceded to the U.S. (as part of the Northwest Territory) by the British but the Iroquois Federation didn’t ceed the land until 1784.  In 1790 and 1791 the new US Government tried to take control of the NW Territory but lost 2 battles with the Miami, Wabash, and Shawnee Tribes who were not party of the treaty with the Iroquois and Americans.  It wasn’t until The 1794 Battle of Fallen Timbers that the Miami, etc. were forced to accept.

So Joseph’s parents may have settled on “the Irish Tract” in Roanoke with other Hays Presbyterians, or PA, and it was common for people to move back and forth between the state of PA, VA, and eastern TN based upon circumstances,  If a Presbyterian Hays would have been able to read and write and generally the spelling of the name was not mixed, unless entered wrong by a clerk spelling phonetically and adding an “e” to it, Hays would be the surname of a working class Presbyterian Scot affiliated with a Lowland Clan Hay, possibly a cadet House.  Now whether they came from Ulster or direct from Scotland is anybodies guess.  But given the Northern Ireland had virtually whole congregations (and related Hays’) moving to the Americas on the same ship I think we have reasonable cause to believe that Joseph Hays’ parents came over from Northern Ireland.

I am honestly amazed that a very distant relative of 5000 years ago, in 3000 B.C the DNA splits, and he pops up with the same surname and experience in arriving in America.  That means 2 brothers in the Corded Ware Era and then their children, and their children, and on, and on, for 60 to 100 generations travelled west in Europe on a similar path.  My R-U152 (which C.H. doesn’t have) is suspected to have split at the Italian Alps with the Hallstatt Culture.  As our DNA had split before it is unknown if C.H. travelled the same route (I’ll leave that for them to research, DNA information is coming online in droves these days). But the known facts are both our lines travelled from present day Poland, across the Alps, through Germany and France and over to Scotland where we both ended up affiliated with the same Clan Hay in lowland Scotland, and migrated to America in the 1700s as “Hays” settling in the same areas of the colonies. 

Their line went from NJ and PA (DNA relatives in Roanoke) to Ohio (1802), Indiana, Missouri, then Oklahoma.  My line went through PA, VA, TN (late 1700s), OK (late 1800s), TX, back to OK then Depression Era Grapes of Wrath to CA.  And every Hays line that I have looked at arrived in America and went to the frontier (as it was known at that time), pioneer American’s.  I’m glad now that I secured the AmericanMan.org web address, because every American Hays (so far as I have seen) with a DNA link, no matter how distant, is an American Man.  I hope more people can put the story of their American Hays line down for future generations.    

On the question, could me and C.H. be of the same family?  Paternal surnames weren’t used until the 1400s and generally until the 1700s but certainly when queried what Clan ye be? we answered, “I’m with the Hay’s, the Hays spelling seeming (anecdotally) to me to be what is used by lowland working class Scots of the Clan Hay, the “Hays” surname they leaned to write in the 1500s and carried to Ulster and then America. Genealogy research says a common ancestor has to have both a surname link and a DNA link and we have that, albeit a long ago DNA link, but a link none the less.  So I say, Greetings Cousins, a way back one, but cousins none the less.     

From my home to yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Waving Santa’s at Hays’ Hermitage, West Point MS Dec. 2021

  for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11

I sent the crew out with $50 to get a tree and came home to the above.  Apparently they bought a Makers Mark and pilfered a neighbors tree, then drank it all before I got back. Santa’s out cold, the elf is dangling in the lights he couldn’t get on the tree, bear is heaving in the bucket and the snowman is drunkenly protesting my use of “Merry Christmas” preferring the PC “happy holiday’s” greeting.  Luckily I have my official Leg Lamp to add a bit of class to the decorations so all is not lost.

I spent early 2021 moving items to MS and readying the NY house for sale and had offers 3 days after listing.  I took the best one and closed in July so New York is now behind me, save for friends and family still there (have trailer, will travel, make sure you arrange a spot for me to pump out!).  I invested my capital gains in the new house before inflation could eat it up, new roof, new furnace and ductwork, took down 4 60’ or bigger trees, and had a septic tack installed in the barn and ran a water line there.  I ran the barn interior plumbing and have 2 outside spigots for chores and such, a 1/2 bath is in the near future.

    I called for a quote on an open pole barn, 3 weeks and no price so I guess the supply problems are real.  The house itself is 1/2 renovated with 2 baths, the master, and the kitchen to go.  Any capital gains are gone with price increases on building materials but luckily the low cost of living allows for me to continue with all my plans.  A whole house generator, hot tub, new driveway, and excavation of the pond are my big ticket items still remaining.

     Yard work to clean up after all the construction will start in the spring, which is March here.  I am hopeful to have one bath and the kitchen done by spring and the master bath and bedroom by the end of summer.  I’m doing all the labor myself so progress depends on how healthy I can keep myself, which hasn’t gone well as I lost a month with a hamstring pull from moving my furniture.  My bi-yearly injuries seem to have increased to annual events with a trip to the physical therapist for a month or more.  I’ll see if I can’t break that habit.

     Speaking of old, Daisy, at 14, has announced she is no longer a guard dog given that the farm has no stock to guard anyway.  She is now the official greeter walking to each vehicle which pulls up, forever hopeful it is the delivery guy who has dog biscuits.  Her favorite activity is to walk into the pond then lie in the sun or shade depending on temperature, several trips a day.

Daisy “Doodle Bug” enjoying a MS Sunset in the side yard.

     I call the house the Randle House after the first owner and have named the farm “Hays’ Hermitage”.  My pioneer ancestors had a Hays Station, a place where they gathered when attacked (such as a block house or fenced in cabins) and a Hermitage was a larger compound used for safety during attack (such as Jackson’s Hermitage, land which he purchased from Hays ancestors). Hopefully my Hermitage serves the same purpose although it was government which put upon me which there isn’t much of here in rural MS, as was in NY.

     I hope to return to my genealogy research soon and to writing my blog at AmericanMan.org.  If I get the house done I can start to travel back through Hays’ history (OK, TX, TN, VA, and PA) and visit the locations my pioneer ancestors settled.  I’m Currently reading “The Dying Citizen” by Victor Davis Hanson and continue my history lessons at Hillsdale College and their free courses.  And I spend mornings drinking coffee and watching the birds eat the fish out of my pond.  Then I spend some time with my brother working on a project.  

   Life is good, praise God and may he bless you all and America too.  

Jim and Daisy    

Another fine production by the Smiling Jim Card Company                                                                                                             a small Division of Fat, Dumb and Happy Productions  
West Point MS 39773
Copywrite 2021

Eastern America; Northeast, Southeast and Canada 1500-1600.

There is little known about the native populations east of the Mississippi River in 1500.  Much of what we do know comes from oral histories presented to European sources in the 1600s.  When the last ice age receded the land bridge between the Americas and other continents was cut off.  So unlike Europe and Asia which developed trade and exchange of ideas, America was left to itself and it missed improvements in farming,  manufacture and written languages.  The natives east of the Mississippi were a stone age tribal society of hunter-gatherers or farming combined with hunter-gathering.  

Algonquian (i.e. Pequots, Narragansettes, Leni Lenape, Mahican), Siouan (i.e., Catawba, Sioux, Biloxi), and Iroquois (i.e. Mohawk, Huron, Susquehannock) were the three main language families east of the Mississippi in the north, Muskogean (i.e. Creek, Chickasaw, Alabama) is in the southeast but there were multiple sub dialects for the various tribes for all language groups.  For our purposes I divide the tribes into two areas, the Northeast tribes and the Southeast Tribes.  The Northeast covers the area north of the Ohio River around the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean and south to the Susquehanna River Valley and coastal Virginia.  The Southeast includes the area south of the Ohio River and from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic Ocean including the Gulf of Mexico Coast.

These varied tribes were often at war with each other pushed by conflict over resources and past or present offenses.  The primary farming tribes were the Iroquois Tribes but all tribes were combined hunters, gatherers, and farmers according to the local climate and resources.  Northeast Rivers provided fish and northern frost killed crops so they relied more on the former.  Western fringe tribes had an abundance of Buffalo and so relied more on hunting.  But all northeast tribes were familiar with “the 3 sisters,” corn, beans, and squash.  Algonquian and Siouan (leaning towards hunter-gatherer) tribes built wickiups (wigwams), a 20’ round pole house made of a wood frame covered in woven mats or bark with a single fire in the center which held a 3 generation family.  Iroquoian’s (leaning more to farming and hunter-gathering) built longhouses, 20+ feet wide and 40 to 400 feet long using material similar to the wickiups.  Fires were placed in the center walkway and interior walls were built to divide areas for nuclear families, holding from 5 to 10 families in each longhouse. 

Prior to European contact all tribes wore clothes made from animals hides.  Men wore a breech cloth, leggings and a cape in cold weather.  Women wore a skirt, legging and a cape in cold weather and both wore moccasins.  Weapons of war and hunting were the bow and arrow, tomahawk, lance, and war club with arrowheads and knives made of flint.  They made armor and defensive shields of wood.  They trapped with snares, foot hold traps (made of wood), and deadfall traps.  Fish were caught in weirs and speared.  Land for farming and also hunting grounds were cleared by burning and trees were felled by girdling it or burning it all around.

Generally, most Tribes were broken up into Clans with Clan Chiefs beholden to the Tribal Chief, a hierarchal tribal system.  Marriage occurred across Clans within a Tribe but not within a Clan, offering genetic diversity and also promoting unity between Clans.  Marriage was a loose contract among the young but more so monogamous with the older persons.  The right of inheritance was within the Mothers Clan so a male child born to a Clan Princess had rights to hierarchy in her Clan and not his fathers.  The primary male responsible for a male child was the mothers brother and the rest of the adult males.  Woman controlled decision making in most of the internal workings of the Clan and men held decision making for external matters such as war, setting or moving Tribes and Clans living spaces, etc.  Given similarities, there was variation and no standard across the many tribes.

When Europeans made contact with the native tribes they brought diseases which the natives had no immunity too.  The larger farming villages (the Iroquoian tribes) were hit harder by these diseases due to greater contact between the their people but none of the tribes escaped these plagues.   Raiding other tribes and taking slaves, who were often made a part of that tribe, to replace lost members to disease or warfare, was common and with the reduction in numbers of tribesmen greater pressure was put upon tribes to replace losses.

The earliest contact with Europeans was in the first decade of 1500 as English, French, and Spanish fishermen started fishing in the vicinity of the Grand Banks off of present day Newfoundland.  Proof of this was found in a Huron Village excavation by archeologists in present day Whitchurch-Stouffville in Ontario, Canda (located north of Toronto).  Dating to 1500, the site was named the Mantle and covered over 10 acres and held 98 longhouses and held between 1500-1800 people.  This is 5 times larger than the average Iroquoian village size of that time.  Additionally part of an axe was found ceremonially buried and an investigation into the source of it revealed it came from the Basque region in Spain.  The Curse of the Axe is a documentary of the find.  Unfortunately, transfer of iron from tribe to tribe most likely marked the transfer of European diseases.

Spanish Conquest:

Diego Riberio Map of North America 1520

In 1513 Ponce de Leon landed on the coast of Florida and claimed it for Spain.  At the time the Calusa Tribe controlled southwest Florida.  Described as a warlike tribe, Calusa meaning “fierce people,” they were also good sailors using Cypress dugouts and traveling as far as Cuba in them.  They would have been familiar with he poor treatment of natives by the Spanish.  Ponce de Leon returned in 1521 landing on the western side of Florida.  Put upon by the Calusa de Leon was wounded most likely by a poison arrow.  The expedition sailed back to Cuba where Ponce de Leon died. 

In 1526 Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon took 600 to settle in the Americas.   In 1504 de Ayllon landed at Hispaniola (Present day Haiti and Dominican Republic) and gained wealth and power then he married into a prominent Caribbean family.  In 1521 de Ayllon financed an expedition to gather slaves in the Bahamas but finding it depopulated the expedition turned northwest in search of land rumored to be in the region.  They landed at Winyah Bay in present day South Carolina and took 60 slaves from the Cofitachequi Tribe.  An Indian named “Francisco de Chicora” learned Spanish and came to be owned by de Ayllon.  Reports from the expedition and Chicora told de Ayllon stories about his homeland and its riches.   De Ayllon brought Chicora to Spain and secured  a contract with the King to establish a settlement.   

Landing at Winyah Bay the 600 men, including some women, children, and African slaves, they then continued south to an unknown location where they established a town.  Most of the inhabitants succumbed to cold, hunger, disease, and conflict with natives.  When de Ayllon died the surviving colonists broke into factions fighting over control.  After only 3 months the 150 survivors abandoned the settlement and returned to Hispaniola. The African slaves ran off and settled with the natives.

In 1527 the Spanish Narvaez expedition led by Panfilo de Narvaez, intending to establish a colony in Mexico, was hit by a hurricane and landed on the West coast of Florida north of Tampa Bay.  He landed 300 men ashore and there was some trading of goods with local natives and they advised him he could find food and gold to the North.  They continued north on foot and the remaining ships were to follow by sea, but the parties were never to find each other.  Narvaez attacked the next village he came to and took prisoners.  As they continued the natives began to attack them by setting ambushes. 

By using ambushes the natives negated the Spanish advantages of gunpowder, armor, and horses.  They could get off 5 arrows to one from the Spanish crossbows or before an arquebus could be loaded and fired. Their bows weren’t strong enough to penetrate the armor but they learned to shoot at the soft spot, the neck and lower body not covered by armor.  Forest terrain  provided concealment and also prevented the use of horses to run them down.  The Spanish advantages worked best in open fields such as around the settlements.

Over the next 3 months they found the villages deserted and as they moved they were under constant ambushes.  They decided to build boats and sail to Mexico and for the next month turned their armor into tools and built boats.  Disease, starvation, and attacks had reduced their number to 242 when they sailed.  Storms, thirst, and starvation reduced the expedition to 80 and they were hit by a hurricane and driven apart and landed in various spots in present day TX.   One party was attacked and killed by natives but two others met friendly natives who brought them food and water.  Reduced to about 160 men they decided to winter over in TX. 

Their numbers dwindled over the next 4 years and by 1542 only 4 were left alive held captive by a native tribe.  The 4 escaped and walked northwest, along the Rio Grande turning West and then south eventually hitting the Gulf of California and going along the West coast of Mexico.  Unlike many of the eastern coastal tribes which were hostile to the Spanish the interior tribes treated them as honored guests.  They were escorted from village to village and in 1536 arrived at the Spanish frontier outpost at Culiacan Central west coast of present day Mexico) and thus ended the Narvaez expedition.   

In 1539 Hernando De Soto sailed from Cuba in 5 ships and landed in Florida, present day Tampa Bay, with an army of 1000 men and 350 horses.   Landing 300 on shore, they were attacked by the natives at dawn but drove the attackers away.  As with the Narvaez expedition the natives would attack the Spanish in ambush.  When counter attacked they retreated away from the armored soldiers and horsemen.  But as soon as they turned the natives would again attack.  As De Soto’s expedition progressed they encountered increasing resistance.  De Soto then learned of a Spaniard in the custody of a native tribe.

A party from Narvaez ships had gone to shore and was put upon by the natives with 4 taken prisoner to Chief Ucita.  3 were slowly killed by arrows and the 4th was stretched over a fire to be burned to death but his screams caused the Chief’s daughter to take pity on him and he was removed from the fire.  Knowing at some point that her father would put him to death she spirited the Spaniard, Juan Ortiz, to a neighboring tribe where she had close relations to the Chief, Mocoso.  When Ortiz was given safety Chief Ucita aligned with neighboring tribes against Chief Mocoso.

De Soto learned of this and sent a party of lancers into Mocoso’s lands to retrieve his fellow Spaniard.  But Ortiz had also leaned of De Soto and was given leave to go find him with an escort to assure his safety on the condition that Ortiz entreat De Soto to not lay waste to his territory or harm his people.  The parties came upon each other and the lancers advanced and the natives fled, save one who announced himself as a Spanish Christian.  De Soto now had an interpreter and a person with knowledge of the natives.

De Soto’s expedition, like Narvaez before him, was met with constant harassment by arrows as it moved.  Taking some natives prisoner, the Spaniards turned their dogs loose on them causing a brutal death.  At the next village De Soto sent to the Chief for a friendly chat, the Chief responded he wanted no friendship, “War only, and never-ending shall be waged against the invaders of our soil,” said the Chief.  

It was De Soto’s practice to take a Chief captive to obtain the support of his tribe.  He did so with 3 brothers who were Chief’s of 3 tribes.  But one hatched a plan of resistance and put up 10,000 warriors against De Soto’s 1000 thinking that 10 to 1 in numbers would overcome the armor of the Spaniards.   By the end of several days of fighting the land was left in desolation and 1300 warriors had been killed in battle.   As De Soto moved the natives continued to harass and several were killed at each assault and some taken prisoner and put in chains and used as carriers.  If the natives fled their village upon approach the Spaniards would just use the abandoned houses for shelter and harvest the planted crops.  It was De Soto’s plan to winter in Apalachee on the Florida panhandle.

The Apalachee tribe had met the Spanish at the Narvaez expedition and were familiar with firearm, horse, crossbow, and armor.  Upon approaching the village the battle began and ran on for 2 days with the Spaniards pushing forward slowly.  They came upon a palisade manned by many Apalachee warriors.  The heavily armed dismounted horsemen were able to breach it and put the natives to flight.  The Spaniards set up a camp but the natives continued to assault it all night, this now the 4th night of battle.  De Soto and his horsemen assaulted the stronghold of the Chief, capturing him and securing his winter quarters.

De Soto made contact with his ships and sent them west to find a harbor, which they did.  Reporting back to him they found one in present day Pensacola, De Soto kept a road open between it and Apalachee.  The Apalachee themselves refused to surrender and De Soto’s men were ambushed everywhere they went. Expeditions in the surrounding country failed to reveal any gold or riches to plunder. Hearing stories of riches to the North and west De Soto was to move on. 

De Soto was met by the Chief of the next tribe who advised they had no gold or riches.  He offered 400 of his people as porters in addition to provisions for his men.  The following Chief, Patofa, met De Soto in peace and allowed his army to pass.  He offered four thousand warriors and 4000 carriers to De Soto as he was in conflict with the neighboring tribe which was De Soto’s objective hearing it had gold.   An expedition of 9000 started but was so large in 7 days food became scarce, and discipline began to unravel with each leader employing a heavy hand of punishment on those who failed them.  Finally they came upon a well provisioned town with few inhabitants and plundered it, but every captured prisoner claimed to not to know of any other towns in the vicinity, save one native who caved in under threat of being burned alive.

De Soto’s Indian allies went ahead of him and as De Soto came to the next several towns he found all inhabitants had been killed and scalped.  He sent horsemen to get Patofa to return to him as he wanted to first try to befriend the next chief and if that didn’t work then resort to hostage taking or conquest if the former didn’t work.  Patofa was sent back to his village, happy to go as his tribe had gathered hundreds of scalps as vengeance for past assaults.  

De Soto continued on with 100 horsemen and meeting a warrior advised he came in peace.  The warrior agreed to relay the message to his queen.  She met with De Soto and offered shelter and provisions in her town.  Not too far distant was an abandoned town which was vacated due to a pestilence, most likely an imported European disease.  De Soto also found in this town breast plates, axes, armor, and beads which he believed was from an ill fated expedition by Vasquez de Ayllon to the South Carolina coast to form a settlement.  The town was on the Savannah River within days of the coast.  De Soto found no gold but many pearls, about 14 bushels, many taken off of dead Chiefs in their burial grounds.  

When De Soto asked for carriers and guides for his expedition the queen refused, disgusted at the behavior of the Spaniard guests in raiding the graves, and De Soto then took her captive.  They travelled north and then northwest 300 miles into Cherokee territory. Fearing she would not be released as promised the queen took flight and managed to elude capture.  De Soto was saddened, not by the loss of the queen but by the loss of a chest of pearls, those in perfect and valuable condition.  

The next Chief offered De Soto corn and provisions and shelter in his village of about 300 houses.  With ample provisions in a rich and fertile land, De Soto stayed to fatten his horses and rest his men.  Searches in the nearby mountains again revealed no gold, just some copper.   In lieu of robbing the graves for more pearls De Soto had the Chief show him how they are obtained.   Mussels, in abundance, were collected from the streams and placed on the coals of hardwood fires to open them.  The pearls were removed and the meat of the mussels used to prepare many dishes for their dinner. It now midsummer, De Soto took his leave before exhausting all provisions of the tribe.

The next Chief met De Soto and his advance party with 1500 warriors.  Before they could secure De Soto as a prisoner his army arrived and it was the Chief who was taken.  The Chief was then released on the promise of assistance and they built rafts and boats which De Soto used to cross a river into present day Alabama.  Passing from village to village De Soto was met with hospitality at each village which offered provisions and carriers and so they passed through the land. Arriving at the main village De Soto was met in peace but took the Chief and his sister hostage for safety traveling to the ends of his lands where he released him but kept his sister hostage. 

De Soto passed into Choctaw territory (Alabama and Mississippi) and met the Chief Tuscaloosa.  Tuscaloosa was 7 feet tall and an impressive figure.  Offering peace, De Soto noticed he was often in consult with sub chiefs and many warriors were arriving.  De Soto took him hostage but allowed him to ride along on horseback with a large pack horse the only one big enough to carry his large frame.  They crossed the Alabama River on rafts headed to Mauvila, the Chiefs stronghold.  It was the Chiefs intent to amass his warriors and take the Spaniards there.  Tuscaloosa continued to provide provisions and carriers but several incidents, including the disappearance of 2 of De Soto’s men made it apparent the Chief was planning something.  De Soto hoped to avoid conflict, rest in Mauvila, then strike south to Pensacola to meet his ships which were supposed to bring provisions.  

Mauvila was located at the confluence of the Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers.  It was more of a fortress than a town with palisade walls planted in the ground and tied together.  At every 50 paces there were holes cut to allow darts and arrows to be shot through and the fortress held 90 houses capable of holding 750 people each.  It contained two gates and the land around the fort was cleared of trees and brush.  De Soto entered with the Chief, having only his advance party fo about 100 men.  De Soto saw the ruse to lure him in but lacked the men to do otherwise.  Inside the fort was filled with 10,000 warriors and no women or children, with towers and walls manned by heavily armed warriors. 

De Soto was shown his quarters and those of his party and advised his army could encamp outside the walls, thus splitting his army.  When De Soto asked Tuscaloosa to stay with him for the noon meal he replied he was tired of De Soto’s company and this was his land and not De Soto’s.  De Soto could go in peace but the Chief would be staying in his stronghold and with that took his leave.  De Soto sent a messenger to get Tuscaloosa for the noon day meal which was ignored twice.  On the third the messenger shouted loudly and a warrior came out of the door and confronted the messenger angrily.

Another warrior behind him placed bow and arrow in his hand and he made out as if to fire at a crowd of Spaniards.  A cavalier then took sword in hand and cut him down, dead.  He was put upon by the warriors son who fired 6 arrows quickly, which bounced off his armor.  He then put upon him striking the helmet with the bow and causing blood to flow and he was also then put to the sword and killed and the Spanish party retreated. The 10,000 warriors then came out of the houses and attacked the Spaniards.

De Soto made it to his horse and even though shot in the thigh rallied his men away from the walls to lure the warriors away and then counter attacked.  Over 9 hours the battle raged with many Spaniards killed and many more warriors slaughtered.  De Soto managed to make it to the gate and outside the fortress and the warriors closed the gate.  Tuscaloosa expected to wait out the Spaniards and attack them in the forest but on arrival at the fortress the carriers had brought all the Spaniards equipment, plunder, and supplies inside the fort.  Also several soldiers were still inside the fort, trapped in one of the houses.

De Soto attacked one of the gates with 200 men, 100 with shields and battle axes, 100 with lances and swords.  They mowed down the gate and advanced to the house holding the hostages, killing hundreds of warriors in the process.  They then set the place on fire, which quickly spread from house to house and tower burning all. The Spaniards retreated to a nearby field.  The warrior attacked, were repulsed, and attacked again.  Dead and wounded warriors numbered 3000 while the Spaniards lost 80 men and forty horses.  

The spaniards stayed there for a month resting and caring for the wounded.  De Soto received word that the ships with supplies made it too Pensacola but kept it from his men.  The consensus of the men is that they should return to Pensacola and take ship out of North America as there was no plunder and riches to be gained in this country of half naked savages.   Consulting his officers, De Soto learned that to return to Pensacola he would lose the support of his men to continue the expedition.  De Soto looked to his own self interest not wanting to return empty handed and a failure, and ordered the expedition to go north and continue on.

After five days the expedition found themselves on a wide river with 1500 warriors on the other side.  When De Soto offered peace to the Chief he responded he wanted a war of fire and blood as he had heard of the destruction of Mauvila.  After 12 days of building rafts the Spaniards crossed and made quick work of decimating the warriors.  Traveling on they came into the lands of the Chickasaw.  Here De Soto befriended a Chief and was given shelter and provisions.  But conflict started almost immediately with 3 Indians caught raiding the Spaniards swine, two were killed and the 3rd had his hands cut off.  The Chief did not complain, but when 2 Spaniards were caught stealing furs from the Chief’s hut he demanded the same treatment which De Soto ordered.  However, the translator advised the Chief De Soto wanted the men pardoned and the Chief did so.

One dark and stormy night warriors passed the Spaniard sentinels and set fire to the huts they inhabited.  They were driven out into battle with the warriors.  The warriors were eventually repulsed but not before De Soto lost 40 men in the flames, all his swine which were burned in the fort, as were 50 horses in addition to all their supplies and provisions.  Many were naked having not time to gather their clothes and now had to spend the night outside on a cold march night.  They moved off a distance and made a forge and bellows with a bear hide to re-temper their words damaged in the fire, built lances and saddle horns of ash and shields from buffalo hides and in a week were on the march again.

In 3 days they came upon another group, naked with fully painted bodies for war, they stood behind palisades.  The warriors erred in leaving their fortress and the Spaniards routed them, sending them in retreat and in hast they became stuck in the narrow entrance and were cut down.  The Spaniards then gained the interior and a great carnage ensued. The location was most likely near the Yazoo River in Mississippi.  De Soto continued northerly and in 8 days came to the Mississippi River.

De Soto went to the nearest village and asked for time to build vessels to cross the Mississippi on.  The Chief replied he was under another Chief who would want them to war but De Soto advised he would not harm or ravage the province and he was not attacked.  In making his vessels the party was approached and attacked by water. Raiding parties rained arrows down on them but when it was apparent it wouldn’t stop the work the party withdrew.  A party of 7000 warriors, Sioux, appeared on the opposite shore as De Soto crossed in 4 barges and but were defeated on the Spanish landing.  The expedition  continued on meeting a friendly tribe, the Chief Casqui.

De Soto continued his quest for gold with Casqui and 5000 warriors and 3000  baggage bearers along.  Prior to arrival at the neighboring town controlled by Chief Capaha, Casqui went forward with select warriors to scout but in actuality to attack an enemy he had lost many battles to.  Casqui and his warriors killed many and desecrated the burial ground of his enemies; remains were pulled from coffins and heads of his defeated warriors were taken down from poles and replaced with the heads of his new victims.  Thus for the second time De Soto was befriended to involve him in the tribal politics of the area.

Capaha had removed to an island and peace offerings from De Soto were declined.  De Soto attacked in 70 canoes supplied by Casqui with 200 of his men and 3000 of Casqui’s.  Upon arriving at the island the force could barely make shore due to the great defense of Capaha’s warriors.  Faced with strong opposition the 3000 of Casqui’s warriors fled in their canoes leaving the Spaniards to certain destruction.  They were saved only when Capaha called for a cessation and offered De Soto peace.   De Soto was able to broker a peace between the two Chief’s but Capaha advised Casqui that he was victorious only because of the Spaniards and that they would leave at some point but he would still be there, a warning of future retribution.

De Soto continued to wander looking for gold and wintered over his third year.  Losing his interpreter made the going harder and he was down to 400 efficient men and forty horses.  Finally De Soto gave up his westward march and looked to return to the Mississippi and build 2 Brigantines, one to go to Cuba and the other Mexico to get supplies for the expedition.  The more he moved the more hostile Indians he encountered.  He went to the Arkansas River, a tributary to the Mississippi River and down to the Mississippi.  Finding a friendly Chief De Soto settled into his care for shelter and provisions.

But nightly the Chief and warriors would cross the Mississippi River, De Soto suspecting he was making alliances with neighboring tribes.  It was here that De Soto became ill and died.  Luis de Moscoso was put in charge before De Soto died and he feared to let the Indians know of the death as they thought De Soto was immortal.  Moscoso had De Soto secretly buried but several warriors suspected the sick De Soto had been buried there so Moscoso moved the body and put it in the Mississippi River.

The remaining Spaniards were hopeful that De Soto’s death would mean a movement to return to Cuba but Mosco decided to continue the quest and marched for a year in a long circle leaving any place the Spaniards went in death and destruction as their numbers decreased also.  Finally he returned to the place of De Soto’s death.  Knowing they now wanted to leave the natives provided shelter and provisions as they set about attempting to build ships.  Finding 30 spies from a neighboring tribe in his camp Moscoso cut off their hands and sent them home mutilated.

The summer of 1543 the Spaniards finished building their vessels and with only 350 men left in the expedition embarked down the Mississippi assuming it would take them to the Gulf of Mexico.  It was here the Chief of the mutilated Indians would get his revenge as fleets of canoes with thousands of warriors put upon the Spaniards.  All but 8 of the horses were killed and just about every Spaniard wounded.  On the 4th day 4 of the vessels were cut off and 48 killed or drowned. A couple days later they landed to graze the last of the horses and lost them, killed by arrows with the handlers barely escaping the attack.  The Spaniards finally suffered greater losses than their assailants and after 16 days of assault the Indians left.

They made it to the Gulf and decided to push out to sea instead of holding to the shore.  A gale hit, scattered them, and pushed them back to shore and they spent 2 months slowly navigating the shore line before returning to civilization.  De Soto’s ships waited in Pensacola until it apparent he was not returning.  They came back every year and sailed the Gulf looking for information on the party, finally learning of its failure and losses from word spread by the arrival of the remains of the expedition in Mexico.    

In 1535 Esteban Gomez explored the eat coast of North America from Florida to Maine and the Penobscot Bay looking for the Northwest passage.  Finding no route to the riches of the East he took a load of slaves from the natives, most likely one of the Abenaki tribes in Maine, and returned them to Spain to be sold.  It was common for explorers to take natives hostage as slaves to be sold, guides, or future interpreters.   

1559 Tristan de Luna landed at Pensacola Bay in an effort to establish a base of support to establish a colony on Santa Elena (Parr’s Island).  It was it by a hurricane which killed many and sank 6 ships, grounded a 7th, and ruined supplies.  Survivors moved inland (present day Alabama) for several months then returned to the coast.  Finally in 1561 the effort to settle was abandoned concluding northwest Florida was too dangerous to settle and it was ignored for over 100 years. 

French and Spanish conflict:

In 1562 French Huguenots settled Charlesfort on Parr’s Island, South Carolina.  Looking to secure a piece of America for France, 28 men were left on Parr’s Island, South Carolina, to build a settlement and their leader, Jean Ribault, returning to France to secure supplies but he was arrested by the English and imprisoned for 2 years preventing his return.  The Orista and Guale Tribes originally supplied the colony but when their provisions were severely taxed they withdrew support.  A mutiny occurred due to strict discipline and most of their supplies were burned. They built their own open boat  and all but one sailed back towards Europe.  Lacking supplies they were reduced to cannibalism before being rescued by an English Vessel.  The Spanish came from Cuba and burned the fort and took captive the one Frenchman who was living with local Indians. 

Santa Elena.  The Spanish built a fort on top of the French fort, San Felipe, in 1566 and occupied it until 1570 when it was destroyed by fire.  They built a second fort nearby, San Felipe II, to house 250 troops which arrived from Spain.  In 1566 225 settlers, farmers and families and Catholic Missionaries, arrived from Spain.  In 1577, due to cruel treatment, the Guale and Orista Tribes attacked the settlement together and it was abandoned.   In 1577 the French returned and their ship wrecked in Port Royal Sound so they built a fort but were put upon by the natives and many killed and the rest captured.  The Spanish returned, attacked the Guale and Orista’s and secured the French from their captors then promptly hanged most of them.  The Spanish built Fort San Marcos and then a second larger fort nearby but they abandoned it in 1587 in favor of St. Augustine after learning of Sir Walter Raliegh’s Roanoke Island settlement and  fearing an attack by the English Sir Francis Drake operating in the Caribbean and attacking Spanish settlements. 

About 1564 300 French Huguenots sailed to Florida to settle, hold the land for France, and drive out the Spanish. They settled at the mouth of the St. John’s River building a triangle shaped fort there, Fort Caroline.  Initially they got along with the Timucua Indians but when their supplies ran short they looked to the natives who declined causing conflict.  To counter this French Protestant settlement Phillip II of Spain sent Pedro Menendez de Avilez and 600 men to Florida.  Unknown to them Ribault had been freed and was returning to Florida with provisions for the Huguenots.

Menendez was badly beaten by storms but managed to reach Florida with 5 ships only to find Ribault already there.  In 1565 Menendez founded St. Augustine and began to build earthworks and a fort.  Menendez fleet couldn’t compete with Ribault’s and he sent away his larger ships.  Ribault emptied Fort Caroline of most of the men looking to strike the Spaniards and drive them from Florida.  Menendez noticed a heavy storm coming and proceeded overland with a part of his force to attack Fort Caroline.  Not expecting an attack in foul weather the fort was easily taken as the few raining men were getting out of bed in the morning.   Mendez put all the men to death by sword.  Menendez returned to St. Augustine to learn that the 2 vessels of the French fleet had been wrecked in the storm and the rest scattered.  Survivors on the beach surrendered to Menendez and he offered them life to convert to Catholicism, which few did, and 111 were put to the sword.  A second party was found with Ribault and all were put to death.  

The Spanish were mostly men and turned to the Timucua for food and wives.  This caused conflict between them and the Timucua began to attack the Spanish to try to drive them out.  Menendez established Santa Elena as his Capital and St. Augustine was used primarily as a fort.  Over time it grew and was settled but it suffered many disasters.  And in 1586 Sir Francis Drake burned St. Augustine to the ground.  Spain decided to consolidate holdings and in 1587 abandoned Santa Elena and made St. Augustine the Capital of Florida.  Short of food they were saved by Dona Maria Melendez, a Timucua ruler of an Indian mission town and a Christian (as was her mother) and she had married one of the Spanish soldiers.  Being part of the hereditary elite class she was respected by the Spanish.  Her son was to become the Chief of another Indian mission Town. 

Marriage with native women was common in the Spanish colonies due to the lack of women.  The class system was royalty (anyone with a connection to royalty); then a peninsular, a person born in Spain; criollos, a Spanish person born in the Americas; mixed races; and Africans.  The cultures also became mixed, part native Timucua and part Spanish.  Catholic missionaries and the establishment of mission towns was spreading Christianity and also the mixed cultures in Florida and West Florida.     

France in Canada

In 1534 French navigator Jacques Cartier was looking for the Northwest Passage when he discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence River.  He would return in 1535 and sail the St. Lawrence to the city of Hochelaga.  Here he took 2 sons of the Chief back to France with him.  Cartier returned to North America in 1536 and guided by the 2 natives he had brought back sailed up the St. Lawrence River and established a base near an Iroquois Village.  From there he proceeded further upriver to Montreal and a 2nd Iroquois Village but returned to his base the same day.  Wintering over they lost 25 men to disease during a cold, brutal winter.  They also began to have conflicts with the locals and when spring arrived Cartier took several Chief’s hostage and returned to France.

In 1541 Cartier was to lead another expedition, this one including Jean-Francois de la Roque de Robal to establish a colony to secure french claims over those of Spain.  Cartier sailed first and settled in Quebec, Roberval was delayed for one year.  They suffered another bitter winter and again the actions of the Europeans raised the hostilities of the local natives. Cartier found what he thought were gold and diamonds and that spring sailed for France only to meet Roberval en route and be ordered back.  Cartier stole away and returned to France only to find the gold and diamonds were worthless minerals.  Roberval spent one winter in Canada then abandoned the colony.  The land was called “Canada” by Cartier after the Mohawk word for town or village.

Iroquois, Huron, Algonquin, Delaware, Susquehannock, Neutrals, Wenronhronon, and Mohicans:  

The Mohawk Indians:

There are differing views on which tribe of Iroquois Cartier met at Montreal.  Some claim it to be the Mohawk and some the Hurons.  Many believing that the Mohawk are related to the Huron and split from that tribe.  There can be no definitive answer as to the tribes in this area as at that time it broke out in war shortly after the visit and tribal lands were changed for all due to the conflict.  According to spoken history to the Champlain Party in 1603, the Algonquin Tribe (an Algonquian speaking tribe) and the Mohawk Tribe (Iroquoian) were at peace in the St. Lawrence Valley.  3 Mohawks were killed by 6 Algonquins when hunting together.  The Algonquins refused redress and the Mohawks swore and oath to perish to a man or have revenge.

Mohawk tradition is that they were driven from the St.Lawrence Valley by the “Adirondacks,” a derogatory name for the Algonquins used by the Mohawks.  With their numbers reduced the Mohawks withdrew to the mountains in Vermont east of Lake Champlain and built their strength and numbers before attacking again.  When put upon the Algonquins asked the Huron for assistance and they joined in.  The Hurons suffered greatly in the battles as they sat between the Mohawk and the Algonquins.   Most likely weakened by war and disease, the Mohawks themselves moved south along Lake George to the Hudson River then west into the Mohawk Valley.  

As discussed in “Eastern American Geography Guiding Settlement” the area where the Mohawk settled is a crossing point for north-south travel and also travel west to the Great Lakes and ultimately the Ohio River Valley.  Originally the area was unsettled as the location would put a tribe in conflict with all using the routes west and North-South, the Mahicans in the Hudson River Valley and the Albany NY area south to the Catskill Mountains, The Algonquins in the Ottawa River Valley (Montreal to Kingston, Canada), and the Huron Tribes southwest of the Algonquins and north of Lake Ontario.  Additionally, the Mohawk were in conflict with (east to west) the Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca Tribes.

The Great Peace (Dekanawida and Hiawatha) and the Iroquois Federation:  

Some references have the Federation occurring in the mid 1500s while most have it occurring about 1570-80 and some later.  If a life was taken between the tribes tribute had to be negotiated, often a life for a life, slavery to the offended family for loss of labor, or tribute, and if not agreed to then retribution would be brought against the offending tribe and so it went back and forth.  The oral tradition of the Iroquois Confederacy tells the story of “The Great Peacemakers” which brought the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca together.  They instituted The Great Law outlining the rights and responsibilities of the 5 Nations Federation.  Each nation maintained their own internal control but in matters between Nations and in matters concerning other Nations the Federation Council ruled. Tribute for loss of life was a settled matter of law ending the feuds back and forth.

The Federation is important as now hunting lands were held in common as was defense of the Federation against outside enemies.  The Mohawk claimed control of the area just north of Albany, NY around Lake George and Lake Champlain and north to the St. Lawrence River, the Cayuga a rectangle just north of the PA border to the St. Lawrence River, the Onondaga a rectangle from north of the PA line to Lake Ontario, the Oneida a rectangle from north of the PA line to Lake Ontario, and the Seneca a flat top triangle at Lake Ontario to almost the PA border.   While the claimed territory was difficult for the Federation to control at the edges in the 1500s the east-west pass through the Appalachian Mountain Range, the Mohawk River was in complete control of the Federation as was access to the Susquehanna and Delaware River headwaters and access from them to the Schoharie Creek and Mohawk River junction to points north and west.

The Mohawks, Onondagas, and Senecas were the elder brothers of the Iroquois Federation,  the Oneidas and Cayugas the younger brothers. The Mohawks were given precedence as the first of the older brothers and speculation is that they were the descendants of the original tribe from which the others branched out.  Each tribe was divided by clans and marriages did not occur within the same clan.  Rights were passed down maternally and so a father from the wolf clan marrying a mother from the turtle clan would have offspring living in the turtle clan and grow to hold positions in that clan.  The primary male to a son would be his uncle and the rest of the males in the clan.

By 1600 the Algonquins were located north of the upper St. Lawrence River just north of the Mohawk lands.  The Huron were located on the lower St. Lawrence River and north of Lake Ontario and bordering the all 5 Iroquois tribes.  The Mahicans (Mohicans) were located in the Hudson River Valley above NYC and the Catskill Mountains bordering the Mohawk on the East.  The Delaware were in the Delaware River Valley bordering the Mohawk on the South  The Susquehannock, west of the Delaware, bordered the Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca.  The Wenronhronon were south of and on Lake Erie west of the Seneca.  The Neutrals were north of Lake Erie and west of the Seneca.  (britannica.com map)  By forming the Federation (definitely by 1590) the Iroquois were not only able to keep the surrounding tribe from their territory, they gained the strength to expand their territory.

English Attempted Settlement of Virginia: 

In 1584 Sir Walter Raleigh obtained a patent from Queen Elizabeth for a settlement in North America and sent two vessels to scout a location and they landed on Roanoke Island (present day North Carolina) and named the country Virginia in honor of the virgin queen.  In 1585 600 men went to establish a colony to settle it and from which the English could control shipping lanes in the Americas and the adjacent Islands.  The expeditions larger vessels had to anchor outside of the sounds around the island and one of them was lost in a storm with many supplies.  108 men were left to build a temporary shelter and the expedition returned to England to return with supplies the following year.  Instead of planting food the men began to look for gold, using the natives they called Croatan’s (Croatan also the name of nearby present day Hatteras Island).

The English name Croatan’s might be the Secotan Tribe or the Chawanok or Weapemoc tribes, a tribe (or affiliate) of the Roanoke Indians, part of the Algonquian Tribes of the Carolinas.  Tension increased between the English and natives and when smallpox broke out in the tribes Chief Wingina of the Secotan changed his name to Pemisapan and tried to cut off all aid to the English.  His plan was to attack small bands of English when they went in search of food.  For this the English preemptively killed him.  Shortly after Sir Francis Drake’s fleet arrived and the decision for all to return to England was made abandoning the colony.

On the return to England two of the Secotan’s, Manteo and Towate, joined them on the voyage.  Additionally they carried back to England tobacco, maize (the Europeans called all grains such as wheat and oats corn and maize was referred to as Indian Corn), and potatoes.  They also carried word of a temperate climate and rich soils.  While initial attempts at settlement were looking to support expeditions to plunder gold and silver and support their conflicts with other European nations and increase their power, the information certainly had some thinking of colonization, to plant (and hence the word Plantation) like they had attempted in Ireland.

Shortly after they left Roanoke a supply ship with 400 men arrived and found the colony abandoned.  After interviewing some natives they learned it had returned to England with Drake.  The decision was made to also return to England but 15 men were left for an English presence and to protect Raleigh’s patent claims.  Raleigh decided to attempt another settlement but due to conflict with the Secotan he decided to move it to Chesapeake Bay.

In 1587 115 men, women, and children under the lead of John White, mostly middle class Londoners (looking to become landed gentry?), set off for America.  When they landed on Roanoke Island the fort and buildings were destroyed and the 15 men gone.  Bones of one man was found and presumed to be one of them killed by Indians.  Shortly after that one of the colonists was killed by an Indian.  Manteo had returned with them and a settler and he were sent to establish relations with the Croatan (Secotan).  The Croatan advised a larger federation of tribes inland had attacked the settlement and killed the 15 men.

The settlement decided to move 50 miles up Albermarle Sound.  White was to return to England and resupply for the settlers and return the next year.  Word of the impending Spanish Armada’s attack on England resulted in all ships being held in England.  Two smaller ships of White were allowed to leave with supplies but they were raided by French Pirates and the supplies taken.  Smith finally secured ships in 1590 and went to Roanoke Island and found “CRO” carved into a tree and “Croatan” on logs from which a palisades had been built.  Inside it appeared the buildings had been dismantled and chests belonging to Smith had been buried but subsequently dug up and ransacked.  They had agreed before his leaving that if they relocated the location would be carved into a tree and if they were under duress they would carve a cross.  Smith was certain they had relocated and Smith searched Croatan Island and the area around Roanoke but no one from the colony was found.

Several attempts to locate the colony over the next couple of decades revealed no clues and there are many lost colony theories.  The colonists were absorbed into local Indian populations either settling with them or captured as slaves.  Chief Powhattan had the Powhattan Tribe kill them but the lack of bones and evidence at the site disputes that.  England and Spain were at war and there was much activity in these remote areas and they may have attacked.  Disease was a possibility and would explain the lack of bodies as they would have been disposed of away from the healthy, most likely into the sea.  Other theories are cannibalism, witchcraft, and supernatural or religious explanations.  

Conclusion of the DNA diaspora in the Americas:

The DNA diaspora which came out of Africa split and one turned west ending in Great Britain and the other turned east, across Asia, Beringia, and into the Americas. Geography kept them apart for 10,000 plus years.  Europe advanced from a Clan (tribal) society, through a feudal society and for the most part were nation states.  In the Americas they were still mostly a tribal society, aside from the great empires in South America which compare to the feudal society of Europe.  Unfortunately for the inhabitants of the Americas geography kept them from the advancements which occurred in Europe, Asia and Africa most importantly horses and large pack animals, Iron and metal working, and gunpowder and the invention of firearms and cannons.  Thus they lacked the tools to compete with the Europeans in war.

In the world from the 1500s to the 1600s the Right of Conquest was the rule including in the tribes of the Americas.  Feudal states developed into nation states due to the threats from neighboring nation states.  The interactions between England, Scotland, and Ireland are good examples of this. Add to this fervent religious beliefs with little or no toleration for the beliefs of others.  For natives in America this meant the Europeans, who had little or no remorse for killing others of their kind for being the wrong religion or nationality, had little or no remorse over plundering and killing the natives, as the natives did among themselves.  It was a hard cruel world with much brutality.    

Word of the white man must have travelled to the interior of northeast and southeast North America.  Cartier’s contact in the St. Lawrence River would travel by word of mouth into the Great Lakes.  And Spanish incursions and De Soto’s expedition from Florida to the Mississippi would travel up the Mississippi River and the Ohio River.  And word of the Roanoke Settlement would travel across the eastern seaboard.  And there most likely were many contacts and interactions not recorded.  De Soto’s pillaging across the Southeast and the taking of Indians as slaves would have the tribes react cautiously with the whites and their power of metal weapons, tools, and armor would be both feared and desired to be possessed for their own uses.  We see some of the tribes using the power of the Europeans against their enemies, risking subservience to gain power.  

As word of the whites travelled so did the diseases they introduced into the Americas.   Contact with whites was more often than is indicated in written history.  An example is in the documentary “Curse of the Axe” which states that the tribe in contact with the fishermen who had temporary summer work sheds on the coast and traded with them is no longer there with no oral history of where they went.  And between them and the Algonquins was an Iroquois Tribe (unrelated to the Iroquois Federation) which is also gone.  Some estimates have the death toll from European diseases as high as 70-90% of the native population.  If hit with disease and weakened by decreasing numbers of warriors in the tribe it would most certainly be defeated and/or incorporated into neighboring tribes.

Tribes who had their numbers depleted by war with Europeans and by disease would look to their historic enemies as sources of slave labor and to build the strength of their tribe.  Women and children taken slave were most often incorporated into the tribe over time giving the tribe strength of numbers.  Conflict between enemies would cause larger alliances such as Powhattan of the Powhattan tribe in Virginia and the best example being the Iroquois Federation which controlled over 1/2 of present day New York State.  And so even though there was no permanent settlement outside of Florida, European contact had begun to change the interaction of the natives in North America between themselves.  The 1600s will only see more.

Scotland, Ireland and European Politics 1500-1600

1566 Map by French mapmaker Nicolas Desliens

We know from our DNA tests that John Hays who settled in VA and Patrick Hays (and brothers) who settled in PA had a common ancestor, that when arriving in America they were Presbyterian and came most likely from the tenant farmer class most likely from the Scottish lowlands, most likely southwest Scotland, then into Ulster before coming to America.  Even without specific dates and locations for the diaspora we can learn much of their reasoning for the moves by looking at history in general.

The DNA diaspora which paused in Scotland continues west to North America.

In 1500 Scotland and England were separate states each with their own king, but both with a waning feudal system moving towards a Nation State but with the Lords wielding much power.  Ireland was under the Clan System with the great Clan Chiefs taking turns at being in charge of all with England looking to control as the century progressed.  All were Roman Catholic, as was most of Europe at the start of the century but the reformation; Luther in Germany followed by Calvin and then his followers, saw protestants split from Roman Catholics and then Protestants further divide into various factions of Episcopal’s, Presbyters, and Congregationalists.  Spain was the major power with the largest navy at the start of the century but after Columbus discovered the new world all naval powers were looking for a passage to Asia.

The search for the northwest passage ended up in the discovery of the Americas.  Shortly thereafter attempts to establish settlements and control centered around the exploitation of the resources and natives.  Columbus exploited Hispaniola and Spain established a settlement in 1502 and fanned out from there; Jamaica 1509, Trinidad 1510, Florida in 1513, and conquered South America starting in 1519.  The French began with Cartier in present day Canada in 1534 and French Huguenots tried to settle in Florida in 1562 but no permanent settlement were made by 1600.  Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584 tried for England in Virginia but failed there. It would be in the 1600s before we see any settlements as Spains power decreased in relation to the other European powers.

After Columbus in 1497 we have John Cabot sailing for England landing in present Newfoundland claiming it for king. “The Curse of the Axe,” a documentary about an iron axe buried in a Wyandot village reveals that it is from the Basque region of Spain and it came to present day Canada with Spanish fishermen and whalers who set up summer camps on shore, evidence of early contact.  In 1507 Amerigo Vespucci sailing for Spain made several trips, accurate accounts are under dispute, and he wrote 2 books of his adventures which were widely read and spurred interest in the new world.  He claimed to sail the Guif of Mexico and the coast from Florida too Chesapeake Bay and it seems to be accepted at the time as maps made of his writings had the area named “America” in his honor. 

In 1513 Ponce de Leon landed in Florida and claimed it for Spain and in 1519 Hernan Cortez landed in Mexico and claiming it for Spain he then proceeded to then conquer the Aztecs. France got into the act with Giovanni Verrazzano in 1524 landing in present day NY and Narraganset Bay.  Also in 1524 Esteban Gomez for Spain sailed the eastern seaboard from Florida to Nova Scotia, failing to find a passage he took a large number of Indians prisoner to sell as slaves so he had something to show for his journey. Diego Ribero made a hand drawn map of America from Gomez trip, and in 1527 created the Padron Real Map of the world as it was then known. 

In 1534 French navigator Jacques Cartier was looking for the Northwest Passage when he discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence River.  He would return in 1535 and sail the St. Lawrence to the city of Hochelaga (present day Montreal, more under East America following).  Hernando de Soto landed in Florida near present day Tampa Bay with a large force and for the next 3 years explored and conquered the southeast of America, finally discovering the Mississippi River (more under Eastern America). 

St Augustine Florida was settled by Spain in 1565 to buffer a settlement by French Huguenots in Fort Caroline, present day Jacksonville.  And in 1584 Sir Walter Raleigh explored Roanoke, present day North Carolina and in 1585 returned to set up a colony (more on these in Eastern America).  Unlike future endeavors to settle and live and farm, these pre 1600 settlements were to buffer other countries advantages to trade and act as posts from which to privateer.  Spanish settlements were bases on which to exploit the locals and local resources.   

Early Spanish settlements in the Caribbean Isles and South and Central America had 2 objectives; convert to Catholicism and exploit the riches which could be plundered and sent back to Spain.  The Pizarro conquest of Peru and Cortez’ conquest of Mexico are two good examples of this.  As the century progressed, the reformation moving away from “Popish Rome” control then added another incentive for European powers to be at odds with each other for the reformed also included conversion to Protestantism, the penalty for non conversion to one or the other often being death.  English, French, and Dutch decisions in the Americas was to offset the Spanish Naval superiority.  Unfortunately for Spain, the loss of much of the Spanish Armada in 1588 to England was to tip the balance of power by 1600 from Spain controlling all of the Americas to French control of present day Canada and the Ohio and Mississippi River, Dutch control of present day NY, and English control of the Southeast and New England in the Northeast. 

Scotland and England

In 1502 King James IV and Henry VII entered into the Treaty of Perpetual Peace in an effort to end the continuous off and on conflicts between the two nations.  Under the treaty James IV is to marry Margaret Tudor, eldest daughter of Henry VII.  A son is born to them who will eventually become King James V of Scotland.  In 1507 King Henry VIII is crowned King of England.

In 1513 King Henry VIII declares war on France and invades them.  King James IV decides to support France and marches to Northumberland and meets an English army at Flodden on 9 September, 1513.  The English used both long bows and artillery against the Scots and then the two sides met in a medieval hand to hand combat battle which ended up with the Scots losing 10,000 men to the English 1200.  King James IV was killed.  Also William the 4th Earl of Errol and Lord High Constable died at the Kings side and John Hay, 2nd Lord Hay of Yester was killed in the battle and I expect many a Hay(s) of all social ranks died there, the feudal loyalty coming before country.

James V was an infant and various Regents and persons were vying for control and at 12 years of age he was crowned but in 1524 he was taken hostage by his stepfather and held for captive for 3 years but in 1528 he escaped and returned to power.  Due to raids north and south by both sides the border region had developed into a lawless area with reivers on both sides plundering.  In 1530 James imposed order on the bandit country as he solidified his control of Scotland. He married the French Kings daughter, Madeleine of Valous who died shortly thereafter.  He then married Mary of Guise, their only child to live was Mary (Queen of Scots), born 1542.

In 1542 James V dies and Mary is crowned Queen of Scots and Marie de guise becomes Queen regent with many others vying for control.  In 1544 King Henry VIII begins the “rough wooing,” cross border raids to entice an arranged marriage to his son Edward so Mary is brought to France for safe keeping as a result.  She is betrothed to Dauphin Francis, Son of King Henry II of France.  Henry VIII died in 1547 and his 9 year old son Edward came to the throne but he ruled only 9 years before dying.  Mary I (Mary Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII) rose to be Queen of England in 1553 but married Prince Phillip of Spain and returned the country to Catholicism.  After a short reign Mary I died in 1558 and Elizabeth I came to the throne in England.  She immediately reinstated the Church of England with her at the head.

In 1532 King Henry VIII separated from the Roman Catholic Church and formed an Episcopal (of Bishops) church with him at the head.  The lands and riches of the Catholic Church now were in Henry VIII possession.   John Knox was involved in the reformist movement and in 1546 got caught up in the take over of St. Andrews Castle by protestants in which a cardinal was killed.  A year later it was taken back at the request of regent Mary of Guise by the French.  Knox was imprisoned and banished to England in 1549 where he worked with the Church of England. When Mary I took over control of England he was forced to leave and went to Geneva to study.

Clan Hay divided on the religious issue but it has been written that many brothers chose opposing sides to save their lands and titles so the depth of belief versus political expediency is not known.  That said, many held deep religious beliefs for which they were willing to die for.  The northern Hay, the Earl of Errol remained Catholic and many in the southern lowlands reformed to Presbyterianism.  We find reference to the Hays signing the reformation oath, In An Old Kirk Chronicle Waddell writes of the Covenant in Tyninghame (East Lothian), Scotland; “Lauders and Cunninghames, Jacksons and Warts, Kers and Hays, for one day at least lifted above their common toil and out of their jealousies and strife, exalted with a new enthusiasm and bound together by the sacred pledge.” (An Old Kirk Chronicle being a history of Auldhame, Tyninghame, and Whitekirk in East Lothian” by Rev. P. Lately Waddell, B.D. 1818)   

In 1558 Mary married Francis, Dauphin of France and in 1559 he came to the throne of France but lived only one year.  Back in Scotland in 1556 John Knox found that the reformation had taken hold in Scotland with many of the nobility supporting it which kept the Queen regent at bay.  When summoned to Edinburg by the Bishops Knox had so many followers that his hearing was called off.  Knox returned to Geneva but in 1559 came back to Scotland.

Summoned to Edinburg by the Queen Regent, Knox and the protestants instead went to the walled city of Perth.  Preaching at St. John the Baptist Church Knox’s fiery sermon grew into a riot.  A mob attacked the friaries and looted gold and silver.  The Queen Regent offered to allow the protestants to leave the town and promised not to garrison it with French, but when garrisoned with those on the French payroll several nobles left her and joined the protestants.  Knox based himself at St. Andrews and protestant reinforcements were expected coming in against the expected French response.

Knox asked Elizabeth I for assistance as the uprising grew across all of lowland Scotland.  When French troops arrived in Leith the protestants retook Edinburg and in 1559 the Scottish nobility deposed Mary of Guise from the Regency.  Her secretary, William Maitland switched sides and took over government administration and English troops then arrived.  Mary of Guise died suddenly in 1560 which opened the door to an end of hostilities with both the French and English leaving Scotland.

The Scottish Parliament met to settle religious matters and they abolished the jurisdiction of the pope, condemned all doctrine and practice not of the reformed faith, and forbade the celebration of mass in Scotland.  The church, pronounced kirk in Scots, was to be organized by Knox who chose a Presbytery system along democratic lines.  Additionally, the system included plans for national education.  In 1561 Mary, Queen of Scots returned to her throne and 5 days later attended mass.  After a minor incident she issued a proclamation there would be no alteration on the current state of religion.  She met with Knox and a contentious relationship ensued over several meetings over several years.  With nobles support leaning towards Mary, Knox’s influence over political events waned.

In 1565 Mary married Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, a fellow Catholic, and this caused many Protestant Lords to rebel but the rebellion fizzled out.  Lord Darnley demanded a Crown Matrimonial which would make him a co-sovereign of Scotland and sole ruler if he outlived Mary.  Mary denied it.  When she became pregnant the child was rumored to be her private secretary. Darnley, with a group of Protestant Lords murdered the secretary in front of the pregnant Mary. Darnley switched sides again and with Mary escaped to Edinburg.  In 1566 she gave birth to Charles James, the future James VI of Scotland.  

It was rumored that Mary was having an affair with the Duke of Bothwell.  In 1567 Mary prompted Darnell to return to Edinburg. He stayed at a house in the city walls to recuperate from an illness and Mary visited daily, indicating a reconciliation.  But in the early morning hours an explosion was heard and the house blown up and Darnley was found in the garden, apparently suffocated. Many suspects were reduced to Bothwell and he was charged but not convicted.  In 1567 Bothwell abducted Mary and they were married according to protestant rites, Bothwell having divorced his wife 12 days prior.  

26 Scottish nobles revolted and Mary and Bothwell formed an army to meet theirs.  Facing off, negotiations occurred as Mary’s army dwindled through desertion.  Bothwell was allowed to leave the field and the Lords took Mary to Edinburg where she was imprisoned.  She miscarried twins while imprisoned and was then forced to abdicate in favor of her son with James Stewart, 1st Earl of Moray as Regent.  In 1568 she escaped and raised an army but was defeated by Moray.  Mary escaped to England and her supporters and those of Moray kept battling for control.  Moray was assassinated and the next Regent, James paternal grandfather, was fatally wounded by Mary’s supporters. Several others follow and in 1579 James takes over himself.  

In 1582 at 16 James is taken prisoner but liberated in 1583 and takes increasing control of Scotland.  Kept under house arrest by Elizabeth I, Mary, Queen of Scots was eventually implicated in a plot against Elizabeth and beheaded in 1587.  James married Anne of Denmark in 1589 and proved himself a successful diplomat and administrator, keeping the Lords in line and happy.  In 1586 he signed the Treaty of Berwick setting himself up as successor to the childless queen of England.  

While written history marks the major political and religious events in the stories of the leaders, the population lives the history.  The continuous strife and conflict would leave the tenant farmer in precarious circumstances, barely able to survive, especially in the border region and western lowlands.  Indeed, on the borders the conflict was so bad that farming was almost completely abandoned because of the raids by border reivers. Religious beliefs ran so deep that people were willing to die for them.  Conversion for the farmer would usually follow the choice of the leaders.  In every battle or conflict the tenant farmer would be called to duty such as at Flodden were we see 23 leaders falling, certainly hundreds of Hay’s also met their demise.

Ireland and England

In 1500 Ireland was under a Clan system and Catholic.  England Was trying to assert control over the country by controlling the Clan Chiefs.  Under these chief’s were lesser and sub chief’s who controlled smaller Clans and Septs, mostly Anglo Norman and Hiberno Norman Barons.   In 1534 the Lord Deputy General of Ireland was the 9th Earl of Kildare and he was called to London under charges of disloyalty leaving his son, Thomas Fitzgerald, in charge.  When rumors reached Thomas Fitzgerald that his father had been killed, Fitzgerald renounced allegiance to Henry VIII and swore allegiance to papal authority and he seized Dublin.

Henry’s new Lord Deputy, Sir William Skeffington, retook Dublin and then stormed Fitzgeralds stronghold.  Lacking aid from Scotland or Spain Fitzgerald surrendered.  Over the next year and a half the rebellion was put down and Fitzgerald and 5 uncles were hanged.  Henry VIII solidified his control over the country and in 1541 declared himself King of Ireland reinforced by the Irish Parliament voting in a statute proclaiming him so.

When Elizabeth I came to power she was the Supreme Governor of the Church of Ireland, the Irish Episcopal counterpart to the Church of England.  Papal authority was denied and Catholic Bishops and Priests were persecuted.   She also placed English men in charge of affairs in an effort to control the Lords and Barons.  This led to the Desmond Rebellion in 1569 and the rebellion continued to the Munster Rebellion in 1583 when the rebellion was finally put down with Desmond killed and his 300,000 acres of land escheated.  To further Anglicization of Ireland the lands  were to be broken up into portions up to 12,000 acres and English families would be settled, or “planted” on it.  By 1598 4000 English people had been planted, the first plantation system.   

Hugh O’Neill was orphaned when his father, Fear Dorcha O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone was murdered.  He was raised as an English Gentleman.  He attended court in London and the Irish Parliament and in the Munster Rebellion fought with the English.  In 1587 Hugh O’Neill was given the Title of Earl of Tyrone and so like his father before him carried claim to the O’Neill Gaelic title from the north of Ireland and also the English title of Earl.  He gained control of the O’Neill title in 1592 and with it control of all the O’Neill lands.  In taking the title he had made himself into a ruthless and powerful warlord.  Within his domain the peasantry were treated as serfs and he used their labor to generate cash flow which was then invested in muskets, ammunition, and pikes to arm his military.  

Elizabeth was placing English Sheriff’s throughout Ireland.  She was to grant the freemen, the tenant farmers, property rights to their land and the rent paid to the agents of the queen, thus removing the political and legal control of the Irish Lords.  For O’Neill this meant that he could not muster and maintain his army.  O’Neill was in contact with the King of Spain who was providing money, arms, and military advisors to him.  This while he maneuvered to get himself named Lord President of Ulster.  When he wasn’t so named he openly joined the rebellion against England.

O’Neill’s rebellion slowly turned into a self declared holy war for Irish independence.  The English attacked Ulster and were repelled. The victory caused the rebellion to spread across all of Ireland.  Open rebellion in Munster with the aid of O’Neill’s forces resulted in the Munster Plantation being completely destroyed.  Native Lords who remained loyal to England saw their people side with the rebels.  England, saddled with a war in the Spanish Netherlands was stretched thin.

The Earl of Essex arrived in Ireland with 17,000 troops but he had nothing but disastrous expeditions and ended up signing a humiliating truce with Hugh O’Neill.  Walled up in defensive quarters, disease brought death and a reduction in Essex forces.  He challenged O’Neill to a single combat to settle the war but O’Neill didn’t respond.  The tide began to turn in the South when Munster was retaken.  In the North the English employed a scorched earth policy figuring to deny the rebels food and reinforcements.  And so as they went about they killed, burned, and destroyed all they came across sparing neither woman or child.    

In 1601 the Spanish finally arrived with 3000 troops in Kinsale in the South.  English Commander Mountjoy with 7000 went to meet them.  O’Neill marched from the North to sandwich the English between two forces. Irish foot soldiers were met by English cavalry and routed and several hundred killed.  The Spanish and Irish withdrew and the Spanish surrendered under terms, being allowed to return to Spain.  The Irish then began to withdraw north to defend Ulster.  The question now was what terms the Irish could get in their losing battle.

O’Neill was reduced to guerrilla tactics as the English armies now swept across Ireland burning and killing as they went.  The destruction caused famine so deep that the locals resorted to cannibalism.  O’Neill’s sub Lords began to surrender under terms and by 1603 O’Neill himself surrendered under terms to Mountjoy.  O’Neill and the other lords received full pardons and abandon their Irish titles but keep the English ones.  In 1604 Mountjoy pardoned all rebels.  The war left England bankrupt.  In addition, English and Welsh men conscripted to fight the war suffered 30,000 dead.  O’Neill reported 70,000 dead in action.  Over the countryside 100,000 died from war, disease, and starvation which was 10% of the population of Ireland then.  The land lay waste, Ulster was totally destroyed.   

European powers and rulers in 1600

In 1603 Queen Elizabeth died and James the VI of Scotland was crowned James I of England thus he controlled England, Scotland, and Ireland.  

The Netherlands in 1500 were ruled by the Catholic Habsburgs from Spain and control eventually given to Philip II.  Over time the country became more Protestant with the reformation and in 1566 mobs rioted and smashed churches and Philip II sent an army to restore order but instead it formed a police state.  A popular uprising begins and William the Orange takes control of the uprising and war with Spain starts.  William of Orange was assassinated in 1584 and the crown offered to Henry III of France and Elizabeth I of England but both decline but do send military assistance.   

The provinces in the north were Calvanist and supported religious toleration.  Those in the south were Catholic and supported reconciliation with Spain.  In 1588 the seven northern provinces set themselves up as a republic with each province independent appointing their own stadholder and having one vote in a states general which needs to vote unanimously.  The Stadholder in Holland and Zeeland is the son of William of Orange, Maurice of Nassau and he is appointed stadholder in 3 more provinces giving his a lot of control.  He forms an army and navy and pushes Spain south.   

In 1596 both France and England recognize the new republic but it won’t be until the end of the 30 years war and and peace with Spain that Netherlands is formally divided from the south Spanish Netherlands, today known as Belgium.  The Stadholder in 1600 was Frederick Henry of the House of Orange.  

France in the 1500’s was at war with Italy in the early part of the century and also impacted by the reformation starting mid century.  French Protestants, called Huguenots, were brutally suppressed and France was in a state of civil war from 1562 to 1598 over religion until the Edict of Nantes supported religious toleration.  The King of France was Henry IV of the House of Bourbon as we start the 1600s.  

Spain in the 1500’s was building the first global empire and one of the largest in world history.    Isabella I and Ferdinand II authorized the Columbus expedition in 1492.  In 1516 Charles I, Holy Emperor was the King of Spain and the Holy Roman Emperor.  In addition to vast European holdings, Spain conquered the empires of Mexico and South America and also the Philippine Islands among other locations.  In 1556 he abdicated and Philip II became King of Spain (Rome went to his brother Ferdinand).  Philip II married Mary I of England but her death prevented any control of that nation by him.  War with the Netherlands and England in the latter half of the century drained his treasury and the Spanish Armada incident in 1588 weakened his navy.  The plague hit Spain at the end of the century and Philip II died in 1598.  The King of Spain in 1600 was Philip III of the House of Habsburg.  

The decisions of these Monarch’s and their governments and their successors would greatly impact my Hays ancestors movement from Scotland to Ireland in the 1600s and to North America in the 1700s.